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5 Tips Coaches Need To Grow Their Client Base

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Coaching (particularly personal development coaching) is among the fastest growing industries of our time (an industry generating over $12 billion annually in the USA alone).  That being said, how can YOU, the coach, grow your client base?  How can YOU rise above the literal sea of coaches?

You'll fall short if you see yourself competing with other coaches…

You'll find more success by attracting the right client to you when you truly get how you are a media company.  That right, you are a media company. Whether brick and mortar or completely online, recognizing you're a media company, will attract prospective clients your way…the right way.

The face of marketing is changing as we know it and knowing how to show up for our business is essential.  Practiced consistently, the 5 tips below will prove beneficial for you.

1.  Connect Person to Person

An individual called into the profession of coaching does so because of the service and healing they can offer people.  More often than not, it’s because of your own journey (your story) that set the course for your unique coaching style. What you do is not completely separate from who are and therefore, begs you to talk about it.  Parents talk about parenting, Football fans talk about football, Realtors talk about the housing market…so then… are you talking and sharing about your industry?  What you do?  What you offer?  Who exactly is your ideal client?  What is your speciality? If you’re not willing to talk about it, why would you expect anyone else to do it for you? You are your own best marketer, especially when you’re sharing from your heart space.

2.  Social Media Presence

The moment people hear about what you do, you can bet you’ll be Googled or you’ll be checked out on Facebook or other social media platforms. If I looked up your Facebook page today, what will I find?  Will I land on your Facebook page and to the sound of crickets?  What’s happening there?  What will I immediately learn about you and what you offer?  In this digital age, if people can not find you within seconds… you simply don’t exist!  OUCH!  Touch to hear…but important to know. And… if they find you, then the moment they do, their impression takes hold in very short window of time (within seconds).  Is what you have valuable for them?  Is it educational?  Is it trustworthy?  Is it all sales and self-promotion?  Is it too personal?  Or…Are you delivering the message that your potential clients really want to hear and what you’re really about?

The members of Your Digital Formula (YDF) have learned the importance of authenticity and showing up online offering value, value and then more value.  This is all part of the Know, Like, Trust Factor you can effectively build online.  Step-by-step the members of YDF not only grow their Facebook page, they're also sharing their message and growing their business from their heart space.

3.  Blog

Blogging is one of the best ways to attract the right client for you. It’s a way to share valuable insight using your own voice and style.  This helps filter prospects who just aren’t the right client fit for you and attract the clients who resonate with your message.  Remember to guest blog, too.  There are plenty of sites out there looking for blogs and articles from respected professionals for their sites, including my own personal development blog over on Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life Blog which receives on average 20,000 viewers per day.  Even a fraction of that is good exposure for a blog from a coach and link back to your own site. My blog is only one of so many available blogs out there in the blogging world.  Do your research and find a good fit for you and submit a blog (and do it often).  Blogging is one excellent way to deliver value AND get noticed.  One more thing… stick with it.  One blog every so often isn’t enough. Keep a consistent schedule of blogging for your own blog and for guest blogging.

4.  Complimentary Coaching Consultation

This has been an excellent strategy for coaches for 2 reasons.  People who are seeking coaching will likely grab this opportunity to explore coaching with you.  Also too, you’ll get to explore what it will be like to work with the prospective client during a complimentary consultation.  You’ll discover excellent matches.  You’ll also discover those who may not be right for what you have to offer. Not every client is the right client for you. This is valuable information and eliminates hassles later.

During a complimentary coaching consultation call, I highly recommend making it clear right from the start that the call is to explore the possibility of being their coach and if it’s they are the right fit for one of your coaching programs.  Once the consultation is complete, use your own internal compass to know if the person you coached would honestly be a good client for you.  If they are, then go ahead and offer your services.

5.  Build Your Email List

It takes multiple times for prospective clients to see you and experience you before they actually invest in your coaching services.  How are you staying in front of them?  How are they remembering you?  Building an email list where you can offer them your services isn’t enough… you must also continually grow your email list by offering valuable content (blogs) and tips (perhaps through a newsletter) as a way for them to get to know you.  When they can trust the value you provide, this increases the chances they’ll remember you or refer you when the time is right for them.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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