Facebook reach

Facebook LIVE: Let Go Your Ego or Get Left Behind

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Do you hesitate to go LIVE on Facebook?

Do you come up with every excuse and leave doing a LIVE stream for another day?

Have you done a LIVE stream and because of the results, you've removed it from your outreach and marketing plan?

It's time to let go your ego and look at this from that 50K foot view.  You've got think bigger and beyond, otherwise, you'll be left in the dust.

LIVE is social media evolution

That's right…  ENGAGEMENT and EXPERIENCE are more than just buzzwords.  Pay attention to the world around you and show up in a way that delivers what's missing: CONNECTION, COMMUNITY, and valuable CONTENT.

In a world where we can click, order and get it delivered—daily interaction with people has decreased overall. In fact, text communication is the preferred method of communication.

Emojis and Bitmojis do their best to make it more personal, but ask yourself, is this enough?  What can I do to raise the bar for my business?

Short answer:  Facebook LIVE stream.

The short answer is true for those of us in the coaching and/or author-industry, and that's simply because your market mostly resides on Facebook.

Will you stay ahead of the curve or be left behind?

LIVE is VALUABLE to your audience

You can write blogs, share your valuable services, sell your books… but think about the energy and passion with which ONLY YOU can deliver?  Remember how difficult it was to get your website and logo just right?  You wanted it to represent you best…you wanted it to fully express what you are about, right?

What better way for this to come across than YOU to do it directly and personally?  Only YOU can deliver what you're about best and therefore, more ideally attract the client and buyer that you serve best, too.

YOU complete the circle of the trust necessary to grow an audience and your business. In a sea of online marketers and coaches and authors, YOU showing up LIVE is exactly what makes your Facebook page stand out.

[click_to_tweet tweet="In a sea of online marketers and coaches and authors, YOU showing up LIVE is exactly what makes your Facebook page stand out." quote="In a sea of online marketers and coaches and authors, YOU showing up LIVE is exactly what makes your Facebook page stand out." theme="style5"]

YOU and your energy is what expands the value of what you have to offer to the world.  After all, it's highly likely why you wanted to show up online in the first place.  YOU had something you wanted to share and deliver because (as a heart-centered entrepreneur) you knew you could do this. So, what's stopping you from showing up FULLY?

LIVE is free

Free is perfect for any marketing budget.  If you have a smartphone, then use it.

Oh… and please don't let comparison of other Facebook LIVE streams (that appear polished and professional) rob you of clicking that LIVE button.

The evolution of LIVE is all about AUTHENTICITY.  When you show up in this way, that's all that matters.  You can always scale up from there.

LIVE on your BUSINESS Facebook page

Are you among the (far too many) who prefer to do a LIVE on your personal Facebook page simply because you have slightly more viewers and engagement?

(Get ready… this one drives me a bit batty).

STOP… well, not really… but think deeply about what you're doing here and what you really gain out of it and what you RISK.

Let's get the RISK part out of the way, first. Doing business on your personal page goes against Facebook Terms and Conditions… leaving your entire Facebook account at risk (meaning it can get wiped out).

The second RISK comes from that 50K foot view.  Are your personal friends and family also your prospects?  Will this add to your business growth?  If not, then you're simply wasting your valuable time.

Indeed, if you're just starting out, it's easy for that ego to get in the way of what you want to build and deliver because you feel "seen" and comforted by friends and family who watch.  At Your Digital Formula, Steven Aitchison HIGHLY recommends using your business page for LIVE stream delivery of valuable content and connection and building a community around your service or program, however, PLEASE DO share it from there to your personal page. 

Some basics you stand to gain will take you SO MUCH FARTHER than just "going LIVE" that includes:

  1. Data.  Going LIVE on your business page provides you valuable Facebook insights.  This helps you see how people engage with you and provide some form of metrics for you so that you can deliver better next time.
  2. BOOSTS.  Yep… if you have that ONE LIVE stream that was on point and hit the mark with your audience, and the metrics help you prove that it did, then you can more confidently BOOST it to support you growing an even bigger audience.   This removes plenty of trial/error as you grow your page and community.
  3. Engagement.  With measurable engagement on your Facebook business page, Facebook will support it by delivering more on the newsfeeds.
  4. Refine Your Speaking Skills.  Oh yes… it's uncomfortable to get started going LIVE.  In the beginning, not having viewers, feels awkward at best. Remember this: you are serving the community you're building AND refining your own speaking skills.  With the metrics provided from your Facebook business page, you can see what you said that hit the mark with viewers (because of replays and because you shared it on your personal page)…and over time, as that grows, so will the data and you'll get better at knowing what is resonating and what is not, helping you serve in better ways.
  5. Manage your personal Facebook page professionally.  I'd say use both personal and business to grow and nurture relationships and community.  It's possible.  But also, remember, not everyone you connect with professionally is interested in your kid's soccer photos and accomplishments, nor your political views.  Manage your personal page by organizing friends, family, and professional connections.  This will help you post better when you're sharing your LIVE stream from your Facebook business page to your personal page because you can select the friend list you want to share it with on your personal page.

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About the author

Maria Flynn

Maria Flynn is the Operations Manager for Your Digital Formula, the owner of OneWiseLife.com and co-founder of Mojo Mastery.

With over 219K Facebook followers and a daily Facebook show reaching over 25,000 people weekly, Maria has fostered a dedicated fanbase spanning the globe.

Maria's finesse to utilize social media to build online tribes and authentic connections in this digital age has helped her reach the hearts and minds of successful online entrepreneurs and self-motivated individuals to take solid actions to connect, network and experience growth on all levels from personal to professional. Maria believes that social media is a powerful tool for heart centered entrepreneurs to grow their business and change the world. For Maria, living life with meaning and purpose is not only fulfilling, it is your unique spiritual expression of the Universe and why you're here.