
10 Undeniable Signs You've Met Your Match

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Butterflies in your tummy, dreamy eyed gazing into each other's eyes, holding hands on the couch while watching a movie. This and more is what some fairy tale romances are made of and oh how we all long to have a romance such as this. Are you currently experiencing some of these undeniable signs of love and just maybe you have met your match?

For some who are single and actively looking, finding a compatible partner is like finding a needle in a haystack. They say that when you stop looking is when your partner will show up. They also say that when you have reached a state of true self love, then the right partner will show up. Whoever they are, they make some good points. Whatever the case may be, you have, in fact, just met someone and butterflies are in abundance. Is this the one? of course time will tell, but if some time has passed and some of these things are still going on, then this might be.

Here are a few signs that maybe, just maybe, you have met your match.

soulmate1. Greets you with a smile, hug and kiss all the time.

This person is genuinely happy to see you all the time, no matter what. Independent of the mood they are in or you are in, they still always have a smile, a warm embrace and a kiss for you. No matter what. That's love.

2. Doesn't lose their temper.

You've pissed them off on more than one occasion and yet they still keep their cool. It's kind of eerie and you wonder if one day they will blow their top. Chances are highly unlikely. They just don't lose their temper. They can handle stressful situations calmly. That's a keeper right there.

3. No bad talking.

You know your family is complete with a few nutcases but your partner never bad mouths them and still tolerates them graciously at all family functions. They are patient, kind and completely non judgemental, even with your obnoxious Aunt Helen.   Your partner just lets it slide all in stride and with a smile.

4. Compliments you always.

You are beautiful, you look handsome, you did a good job, you did your best, regardless of what the situation, event or how you look, they always try to make sure you feel like the most important and the best thing in the world. Always.

5. Gives you your space.

Whenever you need it they understand and don't question it. They get that personal space is very important and completely respect you and your space. They are not clingy or demanding of your time nor do they expect you to be near 24/7.

6. Cooks, cleans, and chips in without question.

This person has no problem helping out around the house. You don't even have to ask. They just know and they just do it without question and without looking for praise or reward. They know that partnership is an equal thing and they are more than happy to do their fair share.

7. If it's romance you want, you got it.

They are happy to cook a candlelit dinner, bring flowers, wine, chocolates or whatever tickles your fancy. They like to leave love notes on your car, in your lunch, even on the pillow. They love to let you know that they are thinking of you and you are loved.

8. Loves to talk.

This person can sit on the couch with you and sip tea for hours and talk about whatever you want to talk about. They are great conversationalists and love a good debate, if that's what you are up for. Want to try to solve the world's problems? They can help you do that too.

9. Want to watch a horror, comedy, sci- fi ?

Name your movie, they'll watch it with you. As long as you don't mind watching one of their favourites too. Who's making the popcorn? They are happy just to spend time with you. Easy to please they are. Bonus.

10. What do you need?

If you are sick they will cater to you and bring you whatever you want. They want you to get better as fast as you do and they will do what they can to make things better for you. They'll cook, watch the kids, do the groceries, whatever. Your health is important to them and so are you.

If you found this person, hang on and respect them as much as they respect and love you. This one is a keeper for sure. Of course, there are other things that go along with having met your match but these are some pretty important things to have in a partner.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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