
The Burn Fat 4 Dummies Diary – Introduction

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As of Saturday the 26th July 2008 I will start a new way of eating. I have slowly been putting on weight over the last few months and was seeing the old belly growing outwards. I thought enough is enough and have decided to change my eating habits once and for all and that day starts tomorrow (the old, "˜I'll start my diet tomorrow' routine J).

I have naturally been fit and trim all my life and didn't really have to do a lot of work to keep my body in shape, but with me now being 39 and not getting much exercise it's harder to naturally keep the pounds from piling up. A few weeks ago I decided to change my eating habits but first wanted a head start and lose a few pounds by following a weight loss program. Well that weight loss program kind of fell into my lap by way of "˜Burn Fat 4 Dummies' by David Holm.

being_fatWhen I received an email to do a joint venture with David I jumped at the chance and couldn't wait to get my hands on the product. Many of you know I am an internet marketer, basically I promote products on the internet and earn a commission on each sale, but I try and keep this away from my blog. Well Burn Fat 4 Dummies is another one of those products, however there is a huge difference in that I am going to put my money where my mouth is and actually follow the program I am promoting. This is one of the reasons I chose "˜Burn Fat 4 Dummies', as the author, David Holm, lives the program he writes about.

So, the pressure is on as I have a few incentives to make this fat loss program work:

  • To lose weight
  • If I lose weight I can possibly make some extra money by recommending this program to others
  • Put my money where my mouth is and show my readers that I walk the walk

What you will get from me is complete honesty, I will not lie in this diary to make me some extra dollars, if it doesn't work I will say it doesn't work, if I cheat in any way and deviate I will admit to it.

Burn Fat 4 Dummies "“ a brief outline

David is releasing his program on the 13th August 2008 and you can get more details and a video about fat burning here or you can sign up to this diary by filling in your name and email address and I will keep you updated with how the plan is going and I will throw in some extra goodies just for signing up.

burn fat 4 dummies book cover

david holm burn fat 4 dummiesDavid Holm (aka Adis Arifagic ) is a fitness expert and has trained hundreds of people to lose weight using his plan and educational system for 8 years. He definitely walks the walk and his story is amazing. He has developed a complete fat burning plan however he does much more than this in this program in that he teaches you about your body and how your body works to help you lose weight. He also talks about how your life can be affected by weight gain and helps with problems such as sex drive, speeding up your metabolism, eating right for pre and post pregnancy and building muscle for maximum fat burn.

What David says about Burn Fat 4 Dummies

"Here's what makes Burn Fat 4 Dummies different from all the rest:

  • First, it was created by a genuine expert in the field who helped a lot of people out there to lose weight. (me).
  • Second, it's professionally produced, and the eBook, Video and Audio quality rivals anything that you'#ve heard and seen.
  • And third, it has the kind of high quality content that you'd expect to see in a $997 course.

The only difference is… I'm giving away parts of the for free! But the biggest thing that sets this course apart is the experience that your reader will have when studying it.

I've also discovered that people learn better from video than they do from reading eBooks. Videos are more engaging, more entertaining, and simply easier to follow, because all the person has to do is sit back and watch the screen. It's passive learning at it's best.

So knowing that, I created this course in high quality video format in order to maximize learning, and to make simple to losing weight, taking notes for the average person.

Here's what Burn Fat for Dummies will teach your readers:

  • Exactly what tools to use to speed up their metabolism and lose weight?
  • What to eat and when to eat it.
  • Education and a lot of free knowledge about their body.
  • Tips & Tricks…
  • and a lot more… "

How the 'Burn Fat 4 Dummies diary' will work

This diary will be posted every two days for 4 weeks, but will not interrupt normal service as I will still be posting my personal development articles every 4 "“ 5 days as usual, so if you are not interested in losing weight don't worry as you can still read some great articles from me, in fact I have a great story coming up by Ross Goldberg which shows how a bad life can be turned around.

Until tomorrow.



Some more fat loss sites

Burn Fat 4 Dummies blog

Burn Fat 4 Dummies Blogger Site

Lose the belly fat

Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.