
Mind Alchemy Day 13 – Clearing Your Mind

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A few readers are now blogging about their experiences on the course, and it would be great to lend your support:

Stacy Claflin – Grow With Stacy

Marty BoneIdol – Living Life in Chapters

Derek Breuning – Tech Life

Stephen – New Life Starts Here

Read the interview I have done with Angela Artemis from Powered by Intuition

Read the interview I have done with Sandi Faviell from DevaCoaching

Watch an interview I made with Suzie Cheel on Mind Alchemy

Mind Alchemy Day 13

Welcome to Day 13 of Mind Alchemy

I originally called this module 'Organize Your Life', but I think a better title is 'Clearing Your Mind' as that is exactly what we are going to be doing today.

Today is going to be a relatively short piece as it is really about doing the exercise.

Typical scenrio

Nowadays we have so much stuff in our heads that it gets cluttered with all the things we have to do.   I frequently get emails that are important, and I say in my head 'That's important, I need to reply to that as soon as I've done this', I then go about my task and subsequently forget about the email.   What happens is that my mind, or my subsconscious mind, tells me that I have something important to do and it clears a little pocket of energy in order to remind me that I have got an important email to reply to.   I go to work and suddenly my mind receives a message in its inbox to tell me I forgot to reply to that email: 'Shit, I'll need to do that when I get home'.   And that's only 1 little task.   My mind is full of these little, important tasks, and the pressure starts to build as I am forgetting things right, left and centre.   I feel a certain amount of stress as I am sure I've forgotten to do other things.

It's only when I dump everything from my mind onto paper that I feel a sense of deep relief, a huge weight has been lifted and I can relax again and get on with clearing all the important little things I have been meaning to do.

When you have done your first 'dump your brain' you shouldn't really have to do it again, as you can write everything you need to do in a notebook as soon as you receive it.   So, as soon as you get an email in that you will need to reply to, write it in your notebook or worksheet to do later on, only if you can't deal with it just now.   If something is literally going to take 60 seconds to do, do it there and then.

For now, get everything out of your brain and onto the worksheet or a piece of paper.

Clearing your mind

I am sure everyone knows how this feels.   We've always got something else to do, some important job that our partner has asked us to do that we keep forgetting about.   When we don't do these little important tasks we are really saying; 'okay that's not terribly important in my life just now, but I know it's important to you so I will get it done asap.'

Well, now it's time to dump your brain onto paper and clear the clutter and stress from your mind.

Today's exercise

Today we are going to get everything that we need to do and put it down on paper.   Yes, it's the old fashioned way of doing things, but it's still a valuable way to get rid of mind stress.

Download today's exercise

Once you've dumped your tasks onto paper, it's time to get those things done and out of your mind forever.   Once you've completed them put a tick in the completed box.   It's amazing what that little tick can do for you psychologically.


Tomorrow we will be having a catch up day, so you can catch up with any or all of the exercises so far.

Action follows a thought"¦

This course is about taking action, and to become pro active in changing your life.   Take time to do this exercise and really think about it throughout the day.   You don't need to wait until tomorrow to take steps to improve your "˜Wheel of Life', but with the support and encouragement from all the members we can help each other and support each other, but ultimately "˜you have to bring something to the table!'

Your thoughts

As always it's good to talk about your experiences and share it with the rest of the members of the course, so let us know how this exercise went for you and if you gained any insights or had any revelations about yourself or your life.

You can share your thoughts at Mind Alchemy Facebook Group

You can Tweet using the hashtag #MindAlchemy

Or of course you can leave a comment below

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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