Blogging Facebook reach

The Kick Arse Guide to Getting More Traffic to your Blog From Facebook

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More and more page owners are seeing that their blog post links from their Facebook page are just not getting the reach that they used to.  Why is this?

Well there's a few reasons, but perhaps the biggest one is that Facebook does not want it's users to click away from Facebook to go onto another site, and that's understandable right.

So how on earth do you get your Facebook page readers to click over to your blog if Facebook is not giving you the reach you need to let readers see your blog post links.

Three Different Perspectives

When you are posting anything on Facebook you've got to think about 3 different perspectives:

The Facebook perspective

The reader's perspective

Your own perspective

The Facebook Perspective

Think about what Facebook wants from it's users: they want their users to stay on Facebook, they want them to share posts to their friends and their pages, they want to keep them on their platform as long as possible.

That's why they are trying to dominate video, that's why they are bringing out new Instant Articles so you can publish articles directly to your Facebook timeline, that's why they have brought out Facebook Mentions so you can stream live directly onto your Facebook page.

The Readers Perspective

you're a user of Facebook, what type of stories do you like to read on your timeline, do you like videos, do you like image quotes, do you like questions, polls, quizzes.  just think about how you use Facebook and how you like to interact on it.

When you're posting anything to your own page you've always got to have the reader in mind, it's the reader who will share your posts, comment on your posts, click on your videos, interact with you in some way.

So from the readers perspective you've got to have content that stands out, say something that not really been said before ultimately you're trying to: Educate, Enlighten or Entertain the readers of your page and do it in a way that nobody else does.

Your Own Perspective

Okay so what do you want from your page: do you want more likes, do you want a higher engagement, do you want sales, do you want readers to click on over to your blog posts, do you want to gain more email subscribers.  Think about what you really want from your page and what you goal is for each of your posts.

When you think about every single post you put up ask yourself: 'What's do I want this post to achieve for myself'

Now that may sound a little silly, given that you want everything, but each post is going to achieve a different goal.

Your image quotes for example are there to enlighten and entertain and you ultimately you want them to be shared and get comments.

Your videos are there to possibly educate and enlighten, or if you post funny videos they are there to entertain, but you also want them to be shared, liked and commented on.

Your offers for free ebooks are there to get you subscribers and ultimately to lead to sales of your products and services.

Your blog post links are there to get clicks over to your site and maybe make money from ads on your site, so you want them to be shared, and liked as much as possible to get even more clicks.

What does Facebook Want From Your Blog Post Links?

So, when you think about it from Facebook's perspective you can begin to think about how best to serve Facebook's needs.  What they want is for your blog post to be great content so that your readers will share it, the more people who share it the more Facebook traffic gets internally as it brings more people back onto Facebook.

They also want Facebook comments on your blog post, again because that shows up on friends chat screen in Facebook


And of course Facebook wants more likes, again it shows up in the chat screen of friends.

But isn't that taking everyone off Facebook? Yes it is but it will also help Facebook get more users following your page if it's constantly good quality.  So the better your blog posts are the better it is for Facebook.

What Do Your readers Want?

When you think about your blog posts from a readers perspective you first have to attract their attention in their newsfeed.  Thus your blog post has to have an enticing headline and a great image in order to catch their attention. Look at this one from Spirit Science:

spirit science

Then of course they want great content that is not the same old stuff they've read before that has just been rehashed.  You can add your own voice to blog articles by making it funny, enlightening or entertaining.  I'll talk more later about blog posts themselves.

So for every single post you put up on your Facebook page think about all three perspectives and ask yourself: Will this benefit Facebook, Will it benefit the reader in some way and what am I trying to gain from this post.

Making Your Blog Reader Friendly

Is your blog/website reader friendly?

To make a blog reader friendly you have to know what type of device your readers are viewing your content on, is it mobile, desktop, tablet.  Look at these stats from Facebook:


Out of 1.14 billion monthly users, 500 Million people per month access Facebook ONLY from their mobile.

These stats from my own site at CYT show the number of users from mobile and tablet are much higher:


That is a huge number so you have to make sure that your blog/website is mobile friendly.

Now most themes that you get for your blog on WordPress will be responsive, meaning they resize according to the device they're used on, but you have to check and make sure using a site like:

if your blog is not mobile friendly the chances are that more than 60% of the readers who click over to your blog post will not read your amazing words.




From the above images the first mobile link means you have just lost a potential reader/customer, the second one is much better and chances are the reader will stay on your site to read more.

So make sure your site is mobile friendly as you will not only get punished from Facebook but Google is cracking down on unfriendly mobile sites as well by penalising them in the search engines.

To get a great mobile responsive theme for your blog you can head over to the brilliant site that is (Aff Link) I have purchased all my blog themes from here.

The Speed of Your Blog/Website

You also have to consider the speed of your website and if it will load quick enough on a smartphone or tablet and even the desktop.  The quicker it is to load the better it is for the user and the less likely they will click away from your site whilst on a mobile device.

You can check the speed of your site on mobile and desktop by heading over to Google Page speed test tool

The Anatomy of a Great Blog Post

Okay now we come onto the blog post itself.

There are really only three things to think about when it comes to your blog posts:

Writing great content

Your blog post structure

Getting the attention of potential readers

The structure of your blog post is simple enough:



First paragraph


Call to action

If you think about it how do you read a blog post when you click over from Facebook?

Normally you're first attracted to the image, then the headline and maybe the description which determines if you click over from your timeline, but once you're there what most people do is scroll through the article, look at sub headlines and look at comments if there are any and also look at social proof e.g. how many shares the article has had

So you see how important it is to have the structure of your blog post right before publishing.

Let's go through each in turn:


What article heading would entice you to click over from these two:

Getting More Traffic

The Kick Arse Guide to Getting More Traffic to your Blog From Facebook

Hopefully you said the second one, but why?

Well, it's much more specific and will likely appeal to readers who are interested in this topic, and it's a little more sexier as in it's not conventional.  The first one is just too vague to attract anybody.

So when you're writing blog article headlines here is a simple guide:

Write a rough headline to start with

The rough headline is just a title that will guide you to keep on topic and it has to be specific e.g. the rough title for this article was

How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog from Facebook

That's an okay title, it's specific, it targets a certain audience and it's direct.

Finish off your headline when the article is complete

When you have a rough headline then you go away and write your article.  When you have finished your article you come back and make the title sexier, or bolder or more fun.  Use power words, strong language if that's your style, alliteration, something that will make it stand out more whilst at the same time telling your readers what the blog post is about.


The image you attach to your blog post will be the first thing that readers see in their timeline on Facebook so it has to catch readers attention if they are even going to get to the headline.

Look at these two images for example


The top image stands out much more than the second one and you'd more likely stop to check out the first one rather than the second one.  The contrast image is always good to use as it makes the image stand out a lot more.

Here's a few other good examples that I picked up whilst scrolling through my own timeline, these are the ones that stood out the most out of about 50 posts on my timeline:



So in terms of getting readers from Facebook to your blog post, images are by far the most important part of your blog post link because if you don't get the click you won't get your blog post read.

A good tip is to always imagine that your readers are scrolling quickly through their timeline on Facebook, and then try and choose an image that will stand out.

Sub Headlines

When a reader has been intrigued enough by your image and your headline and they click from Facebook to your blog post link then they will more than likely read a little of your first paragraph and then start skimming through your post.  So it's important to break long blocks of text to make it easier to read.

When you're reading a blog post, especially on a mobile, it's extremely important to use sub headlines preferably ones that have been bolded and are in header format.

Look at these two examples:

Article1 Article2

On a  mobile the first blog post might turn people off as it's all text, so break your posts up with sub headlines and more images if it's a really long post.

First Paragraph

The first paragraph is going to set the scent for the rest of the article and should be written after you've completed your blog post.  The purpose of the first paragraph is to keep your readers reading long enough so they're interested enough to go to the next part of your article.

And that can really be said for the whole of your blog post, make it intriguing, interesting, funny, or whatever your style is to keep the readers reading.

Call to Action

A call to action is always good to have at the end of your article.  all this is is asking your readers for their thoughts saying something like:

I would love to hear your thoughts on this, leave a comment below and let me know what you think


If you loved this article sign up here to get more great articles every week from me


Share this article if you think  your friends will like it

Having a call to action to help the reader take action is always good, especially for Facebook, each new comment in your comments field (If you're using the Facebook comments plugin) is another piece of engagement for you.  Each share is another piece of engagement as well, and it all adds up.

Types of Blog Posts You Should Be Writing

Not all blog posts you write are going to be the same and you should definitely mix them up.  The main types of posts you can write are

List Posts

These are by far the most popular posts as they are easily readable, easily digested and quick to read.  An example would be:

10 Things to Drop from your Life Right Now

Video Posts

If you have video content this is perfect for you and great for your readers to get to know you a little better.

You can also post videos from youtube and write up a short piece about it and use that as a blog post.  These posts do really well depending on the video content.  A site that does this amazingly well is

Quiz Posts

Taking a quiz from the likes of and embedding it into a blog post of your own is an amazing way to create quick and easy content and one that really engages the readers and gets them commenting.

Always write a quick blurb about the quiz topic so you get more SEO juice and more google search love as well

How to and Tutorial Posts

If you're an expert or just know a lot about a topic then how to and tutorial posts can be great for your blog.

Resource Posts

A list of resources in your niche is another amazing way to get a lot of clicks to your blog.  For example

25 of The Most Inspirational Pages on Facebook

Review Posts

If you have a blog that lends itself well to reviews then this is another great piece of content to give to your readers, as long as your reviews are honest

Controversial Posts

If you have a particular view that goes against popular opinion then controversial posts can be brilliant for engagement and to build up a tribe of people who have similar views to yourself.

One post I wrote recently titled: Who The Fuck Cares What I Believe In? spoke about my disbelief in God and my own universal energy beliefs.  know I know that wasn't too popular a view from my facebook followers, but it did get a fair bit of attention and engagement.

However don't do this too often as your loyal followers might be put off.

Infographic posts

A lot of companies often send you great infographics on a particular topic in your niche asking for a link back to their site.  this is really quick and easy content to create. An example would be :

11 Reasons Why Dehydration is Making Your fat Sick and Tired

Guest Posts

You want as much content as possible for your blog.  Gone are the days when you can write 1 blog post every few weeks and still expect to get a lot of traffic.  So having guest posts on your blog is great for filling your blog with great content, which in turn increases your search engine rankings and also gives you more content to publish on your Facebook page.

Series Posts

If you are really interested in a particular topic and know that it might take around 10,000 words to write about then you can write a series of blog posts to split it up and to give you more content and more engagement.  for example:

Why Everyone Should Experience Lucid Dreaming – Part 1



Okay I've done all of the above what else can I do?

Here are a few other tips that will help you increase your clicks from Facebook to your blog posts:

Post immediately after a high commented post

When a lot of people comment on one of your posts on Facebook, it means that your subsequent post will go high up on the newsfeed of the people who commented on your previous post.

For example you can make posts that you want a lot of comments on by simply asking a question or using a call to action like this one posted around 48 hours ago:


Ask a question when you post a blog post link

Asking questions in your blog posts links is always a good idea:


Train your readers to recognise your blog post links

Remember you are getting new readers to your Facebook page every single day so you have to train your readers to recognise your blog post links.

One way to do this is make sure all your image quotes are square and all the posts that you share are square as well.  This way your blog posts links will be easily recognisable as they are a different size altogether and they are rectangular in shape.

Boost your Blog post links for $5

You'd be amazed at just how effective boosting your blog post link can be, but you have to be careful and target the right audience for your needs.  if you just want more traffic then boost your blog post link to your existing readers on your page.

if you want to increase your adsense earnings then boost to tier 1 countries such as US, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ, IRE.  Tier 1 countries have a much higher eCPM than Tier 2 countries such as India, Pakistan, Philippines.

Make sure you have the Facebook Comments Plugin Installed

This really does help to increase your engagement and your traffic from Facebook to your blog as it gives Facebook another area to measure the success of your blog.

Install the Facebook Pixel Tracking code on your Blog

I have absolutely no evidence to show that this increases the reach that your blog posts links get, but i suspect it does as it's another way of Facebook being able to track the interaction it's users have with your blog.

Make sure you have share buttons

You want a way to for readers to share your blog posts so make it easy for them and install a plugin such as shareaholic so they can share your content easily.  this is particularly important with Facebook as that is the most used button on any share plugin.

Seeing how many shares your blog post has is also good for social proof.


Send your blog post links to your email list

This is a great way to increase traffic to your blog and has the added benefit of getting more shares from Facebook as a lot of your email list will share and comment using the Facebook share button and Facebook comment plugin, bringing traffic over from readers friends chat screen.

I hope this article has given you some food for thought about how to increase your traffic from Facebook.  If you have any tips of your own or any questions, please leave a comment below. 



Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.