
Free download for your New Year Resolutions

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Do you set New Year resolutions? If you did, you're in the company of about 40% of Americans and about 9 million people in the UK. If you did set some resolutions, there's a 50/50 chance you're going to fail in your resolutions before the end of January, slightly higher if you're residents of the British Isles!

That's depressing!

resolutionsWhy do we have such a hard time keeping New Year resolutions? Well, because resolutions suck! At least that's my opinion.

The experts have a more informed view on the matter. Psychologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center and University of Toronto have been puzzling over New Year resolution failure for some time. Their conclusions:

  1. Most resolutions are too vague
  2. Goals are unrealistic.

As I said, resolutions suck! If you're going to succeed this year, forget the resolutions and start your New Year REVOLUTION. Change completely the way you look at setting goals for the New Year and start with specific, manageable goals you know you can accomplish.

Identify your Goals

To do this, you've first got to identify which goals excite you the most; to generate personal power you start with motivation. You've got to identify which goals provide the strongest motivation for you to take action.

I've found that most New Year goals fall into one of these two categories: things you want to do and things you want to stop doing! You've got to identify what you're really motivated to do or stop doing.

From there, you need an investigation phase. You've got to determine whether or not you've got the resources necessary to see these goals through to a successful conclusion. You've got to have material, emotional and spiritual resources in sufficient quantity to sustain your efforts. If you lack resources in a particular area, don't be discouraged: you may set new goals based on generating the resources you'll need to attack a larger ambition. This goal may become a more manageable first step in accomplishing something greater.

Once you determine what motivates you and what resources you have to bring to bear right now, you can prioritize your goals based on which goals give you the greatest probability of success. Those become your REVOLUTIONS for the coming year!

Steven Aitchison has been a great help in getting my message out to the world. As a small expression of gratitude, I'm making a FREE program available for readers of "Change Your Thoughts." New Year REVOLUTION features a complete workbook and audio program to help you create your REVOLUTION. Click here to download your manual and listen to the audio program.

Feel free to share these materials with everyone you know! (Just be sure to follow the guidelines for sharing in the manual"¦I'm asking you to share the materials in their complete form and tell people where you got this powerful information!)

For readers in Britain, if you really want to succeed in your New Year vows, find a Welshman! It seems 84% of resolution setters in Wales make it through the first month according to My wife, a proud member of the Armstrong Clan, will be dismayed to hear that the Scots are the worst resolution keepers at only 28%! Since the Scots like the Americans are fond of REVOLUTIONs, this is the year to get raise that percentage to successful levels!

Make your first resolution to create your New Year REVOLUTION and start yourself on the path of success.

Best thoughts for Success & Happiness in the New Year!

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About the author

Jim Bouchard

Jim is now a regular at ‘Change Your Thoughts’, if you haven’t already visited his site I would urge you to have a look. Jim is an author, businessman, personal development trainer, black belt Karate instructor, football coach….the list goes on. He is the creator of the Dynamic Components of Personal Power program. Visit Jim’s site at for more information on his self development program.
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