There's been a lot going on over the last few months and I wanted to give you an update about everything that has been happening since the launch of Mind Alchemy at the beginning of May.
Launch of Mind Alchemy
Mind Alchemy was launched on May 2nd. I had 4 pre launch videos featuring a cartoon character named George to introduce some of the concepts from the course. To be honest I didn't expect the cartoon to be such a hit. You can check out the first cartoon at How to Change Your Beliefs, there were over 400 likes to the video page and over 200 comments, which was amazing.
I had some great launch partners on Mind Alchemy who sent over 9,000 unique visitors to the site over a 4 day period. This resulted in $3,883 of sales with an additional $407 in sales as a direct result of the launch due to readers visiting the site and buying How to Become an Advanced Early Riser.
Figures from Mind Alchemy Launch 4 day launch
7,501 unique visits to the squeeze page
2,187 subscribers
29.15 % of visitors to the squeeze page signed up to Mind Alchemy list
99 sales totalling $3,883 ($1,006 for affiliates so net sales – $2,877)
Residual sales of How to Become an Advanced Early Riser of $407 purely because I put a link to my main site
Over 300 comments via facebook and blog comments on all the videos.
412 likes on the first video alone
So for the 50 hours it took me to make the videos and around 100 hours to produce the book and make websites, contact affiliates, write copy, and all that stuff I ended up making $21 per hour. Not
great, but when you think that the product is everlasting and I will be doing a mini launch every 3 months, will be adding more and more subscribers to the list, that initial time and investment will grow to at least $100 per hour.
The birth of Cartoon Nation
As a direct result of making all the cartoon videos for Mind Alchemy I launched another product called Cartoon Nation. I received a lot of emails asking me how I made the cartoon videos. It dawned on me that another product could be made showing readers exactly how to make the videos. So after the Mind Alchemy launch was over and I took stock of everything (reflecting on how I could have made it better, what parts were good), I decided to make a quick product called Cartoon Nation.
I got my son involved in doing a voice for the pre sales cartoon (he asked for a 10% cut of the profits :), I advised him he was way too low and gave him a 25% cut). We had a blast doing the video together.
As a result Cartoon Nation has sold 74 copies totalling $794. After Affiliate commissions, WSO fees, designer fees there is a profit of $315 (25% to my son 🙂 ). Again, it's another product on the market, and getting into another niche of internet marketing.
I looked round at all the other products I had and have revamped them all previously except for a site I launched a few years ago called Binaural-Heaven which is an email subscription site, whereby you receive a binaural beat download every week for $9 per month. I have now revamped the site and soft launched it last week.
Interviewing The Coaches
Interviewing the coaches was meant to be launched last month along with Mind Alchemy, but due to technical issues I didn't launch it. Instead I will be soft launching it at the beginning of next month. It's the first part of an interview series where I interview 6 top life coaches from around the world: Curly Martin, Jonathan Wells, Tim Brownson, Barry Davenport, David Riklan, and Morty Lefkoe. The interviews have been completed, I just need to finish off the website, and I have decided to transcribe all the interviews as well, which I am in the process of doing just now.
All going well I will be doing Interviewing The Coaches 2, and have some more amazing life coaches lined up. I am also going to brqanch out and do more interview style products as I found I really love doing them and had such a great time with all the interviewees.
Going to India
Perhaps the news that I am excited about the most is that I've been asked to go to India to give a keynote speech at NASSCOM HR Summit in Chennai which runs 27/28th July. The speech will be in front of 600 CEOs from all over India.
This came about as a direct result of the launch of Mind Alchemy. NASSCOm saw the Mind Alchemy program, approached Mark Dolan from Scottish Development International, Mark and I spoke on the phone, Mark got back to NASSCOM and acted as an intermediate, and I accepted the invitation from NASSCOM to do the keynote speech. Flights have been booked, and I can't wait to go.
New addition to the family
One last thing to round it all off. We have just had a new addition to the family, no not a baby :), but a puppy. Kara, was brought home today for the first time. She is a beautiful 8 week old Golden Retriever and we're so excited to have her join our happy home.
Well, that about sums up the last 6 weeks of my life, and I have to say I've loved every minute of it.