
6 Fun Tools and Experiments to See the Law of Attraction in Action!

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The Law of Attraction (LOA) is quite simple; like energy attracts like energy. Since this is a universal law, it affects all matter in the universe, including all people.  This energy is basically everything, yes every single thing.  All living things have an energy vibration and even inanimate objects absorb energy; ever walk into someone's home and felt an inexplicable and tense coldness?  Or a sincere welcoming warmth? That's the energy of the space.

gina_purple_loaIn essence, it is the energy vibration that resonates with other like energy vibrations; high vibrating energy resonates with other high vibrating energy and vice versa.  It's the vibration of energy that creates the "attraction" in the Law of Attraction; and the nature of energy vibrations is either high or low.  Every person has an energy vibration.  The foundation for our individual energy vibration is self-love; it all starts within and that sets the tone for our personal vibration.  Typically, people with a high vibration tend to take excellent care of their bodies, their health (physical and emotional) and their well-being and their needs/wants; all positive acts of self-care and love.  And people with low vibrating energy neglect some aspect(s) of self-care and/or self-love.

Other factors that contribute to our personal energy vibration are our thoughts, words, beliefs (conscious and subconscious), behavior, habits, what we expose ourselves to (people, entertainment, work, etc..) and whatever we put in on or around our bodies (food, personal care items, household cleaners, the environment, etc…).  All of these things also have a vibration that can either enhance our own high vibration or it can drag it down to a lower vibration.

Learning about and understanding the Law of Attraction is exciting, but it can also be daunting.  It seems like a simple concept, like energy attracts like energy, but when you start to fully understand that EVERYTHING is energy, you can get a bit overwhelmed trying to focus and create the vibration that matches what you want to manifest in your life.  It can get so complicated, that many people just give up or never gain the understanding needed to step into their own power.  But it doesn't have to be this way at all.

The Law of Attraction can be fun.  You learn more about it by seeing it in action, which improves your self-confidence tremendously.  There are simple tools that will teach you more about the LOA than any book ever could.  If you happen to be a parent, you can share these experiments with your kids, make it a family project, and teach them from a young age that they create their lives!  I have seen the way my own children have embraced these ideas and have used LOA techniques to help achieve their own goals; from my son getting a lead role in the school musical to my daughter getting an offer to play soccer in college and more.

This information will not only empower you to take responsibility for the energy you bring to every situation, it will also deepen your own awareness of it.  Learning about the LOA in this manner, seeing it in action from your conscious choices, creates the possibility for a happier and more fulfilling future; filled with endless possibilities to create amazing opportunities and countless ways to change and cope when circumstances are unpleasant.

Here are 6 tools and experiments to see the Law of Attraction in action:

1. The Purple Car Experiment.

This is a fun way to physically demonstrate that our thoughts do indeed become things.  Think of using the LOA like creating a painting.  You start with a blank canvas and, instead of paint creating your picture, your thoughts, words, beliefs and vibration does.  For this experiment, we will focus on our thoughts and words, which combine to make an intention.  State the intention that you would like to see a purple car ("show me a purple car please"); a rare color for vehicles, making this experiment meaningful.  To add extra energy, you can ask the universe or your angels (or whatever makes you feel comfortable) to help show you a purple car as soon as possible.  Try it for yourself first, it is really amazing when you see that first purple car (which can appear anywhere so,Pay,attention, I had a client see it in a Facebook pic within minutes of asking).  My family loves doing this and it's kind of fun on long trips!  You can try this with other color cars too.

2. Energy Hands.

Since the LOA is about energy, it makes sense to understand there is energy within us and all around us.  This technique will allow you to actually feel energy; coming from your own vibration.  Rub your hands together several times, keeping them straight with fingers lined up (no space in between).  After 4-5 times of up and down rubbing, say "energy flow" and pull your hands 1-2 inches apart, palms facing each other.  You will fell any of the following; tingling, pulsing, heat, warmth, or all of the above.  This is energy; you are energy.

3. The Gift.

The LOA responds to energy.  Intentions and words have energy; once you know what you want and you state it, the universe conspires on your behalf through the LOA.  This experiment is going to involve a timeframe to demonstrate that when you have an immediate need, the LOA works just as well as it does with longer term goals; you are always manifesting!  Ask the universe for a gift within the next 24 hours.  That's it.  Pay attention, because your gift might be subtle.  I did this experiment for the first time when I was on a very crowded and very delayed flight.  Right after I stated the intention, I ordered a glass of wine from the flight attendant and when I went to hand her my card to pay, she said "don't worry, it's a gift".  I was amazed!  My gift came within almost an instance.  Now, whenever I am in a funk, I ask the universe for a gift to lift my spirits and I've received lots of fun surprises!

4. A Vision Board.

When you make your goals visible, you begin to attract energy in your favor to create them.  Once you decide what you want to create, and put intention behind it, the universe will conspire on your behalf; your vibration must also be a match to the opportunities and a vision board helps that as well.  A vision board is a visual representation of what you want to create in your life.  It can be on a poster board, large piece of paper, a bulletin board, a wall, Pinterest, or whatever medium you chose to express what's in your heart.  Use images and words to create your story and than keep place it somewhere you will connect with it frequently (my primary one is next to my bathroom mirror, but I also have many vision boards on Pinterest).  To take it further, your entire bedroom (or home) can be a vision board.  Choose pictures, artwork, posters and decorative items that represent what you love, what you want to create (I have many beach items in my home because I want a beach house) and what makes you feel good.  For example, my son is an actor and he has a bulletin board with programs from every play or musical he's ever done, along with posters of Broadway musicals that inspire him.  Get focused on the vision, get creative, have fun and the results will come.

5. An Intentions Box.

Words are magical (that's why it's called spell-ing).  Writing about our intentions puts a ton of focus and positive energy behind them; plus, it is a great compliment to a Vision board.  Start with a box that is visually meaningful; you can repurpose one, buy one or make one (a great project for families).  Next, neatly write your intentions on individual slips of post-it sized paper.  These intentions can be anything; self-improvement goals, material items, business/career goals, projects and so on.  Be sure to use only positive words (avoid negative ones like not or no, etc) and at the end of each intention, write something similar to the following phrase, "this or something better, God or Universe".  This statement leaves the door open for unlimited and unexpected opportunities to come your way.  I like to update this box every few months during the new moon, which has the energy of creativity and manifesting.  It's fun to see what you have been able to create and think of new ideas to add (same goes for a Vision Board).

6. A Gratitude Jar.

Gratitude is very high vibrating energy; it is aligned with love, joy and peace.  When we are grateful for what we currently have, who we currently are and our current reality; we raise our vibration and become a match for creation on every level.  A gratitude jar is a spiritual practice, it is a way to consciously express thankfulness every day.  Start with a large jar and label it "gratitude" or something similar; you can also decorate the jar.  Each day, on a small piece of paper, write something you are thankful for from that particular day or moment. This is a great for an individual or a family to do together.  When the jar is full, review all you have been thankful for and start again (you can do this part monthly).  This practice will change your life, aligning you with positive energy and changing your perspective to one of sincere and unending appreciation; it's honestly one of the most important things we can do and it ignites the LOA.

These six tools and experiments are not only fun, they create a more meaningful life.  The manifesting tools of a vision board, intentions box and gratitude jar combine to create a great spiritual practice for maintaining a higher vibration.  Learning about the LOA doesn't have to be complicated or boring.  There is a great book by Pam Grout called "E2 (squared), Nine Do-it-yourself Energy Experiments", which offers more ways to see the LOA and energy in action for yourself.  This book is a great and easy place to start learning about the LOA or explore a new perspective of it (you can even share the information with your kids).Happy manifesting!

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About the author

Gina Sendef

Gina Sendef is an Author, Angel Intuitive and Reiki Master. She helps people around the globe with guidance, healing & inspiration through her one on one Angel Readings, Angel Reiki healing/teaching and her articles and book, "Truth Works, Divine Life Lessons for Kids of All Ages". Visit www.ginasendef.com for information about her work or facebook for daily guidance.

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