One of the best ideas to come from the internet community is opensource. Opensource software, and opensource learning. Perhaps one of the best sites for opensource learning is If you have never heard of TED it is a site which shares ideas from people from all walks of life on how to make our life better with Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED).
I have chosen 29 videos which I have watched over the last few years which made me stop and think about the bigger picture. Some are funny, some are educational, some are inspirational but every single one of them will engage your brain in some way.
I hope you enjoy them as I have over the last few years and feel free to post the links to your favourite ones.
29 Great TED Talks to Get You Thinking
Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success
Dan Pink the surpirsing science of motivation
Tony Robins on Motivation
Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight
Marvin Minsky on health and the human mind
Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything
Malcolm Gladwell on spaghetti sauce
Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users
John Maeda on the simple life
Tim Brown on creativity and play
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on flow
Wade Davis on the worldwide web of belief and ritual
Richard Dawkins on our "queer" universe
Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
Aubrey de Grey says we can avoid aging
Nancy Etcoff on the surprising science of happiness
Helen Fisher tells us why we love + cheat
Katherine Fulton: You are the future of philanthropy
Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity
Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy?
Seth Godin on standing out
Daniel Goleman on compassion
Brian Greene on string theory
Sarah Jones as a one-woman global village
William Kamkwamba on building a windmill
Charles Leadbeater on innovation
Johnny Lee demos Wii Remote hacks
Garrett Lisi on his theory of everything
Michael Merzenich on re-wiring the brain