
The Secret? – There is no Secret!

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With respect to all, is it really that when we let go of a particular time frame that the universe answers by providing what we want in it's time? Or rather, is it our conscious determination at some point in time to rationally decide that the time is not right…now?

I'm going to share the story of a dialogue from a web discussion group in which I participate. I'll change the name so as not to cause or imply any offense.

7_common_mistakesMs. Z wished for a laptop computer. She wanted this badly to help her with her writing and speaking business, but she really didn't have the money to buy one. She was condemned to using the computer at the local public library; I don't say that facetiously, you really do need your own computer to do serious business!

At any rate, Ms. Z trusted in the power of the universe to provide her needs. She stayed focused on the thought of having her own computer. She visualized and prayed and did everything possible to access the Law of Attraction, yet she still had to use the library computer. Her faith remained strong; the universe would respond to her call when the time is right. After all, the wisdom of the universe is greater than the wisdom of any of us as individuals.

Finally her prayers were answered. She found a client for her work and realized that she now needed her new computer rather than just wanting one. She ran to the library computer, went on-line and ordered her beautiful new laptop! Money no problem; she used her credit card.

Ms. Z's laptop story is an interesting example. She could have used her credit card at any time to "manifest" the computer in her life. Of course, once we manifest any material desire using credit our desire is balanced by the reality of a monthly payment. At any given time, that payment may not be in harmony with several factors, not the least of which is our ability to make the payments.

Power is our capacity or ability to perform or act effectively. Power is most effectively applied through balance, focus and timing. Ms. Z obviously considered her situation and at first decided that her purchase was not timely and would not be made in balance with the emotional component of her life; in other words had she bought the computer on her first impulse she may not have been comfortable with the consequences of that purchase.

She shifted her focus. She decided to delay her purchase. Perhaps she decided that the need for the computer was not urgent, though our perception of urgency is often affected by other pressures including, as she mentions, clever advertising.

The Law of Attraction has attracted a lot of sincere and dedicated teachers. I'm going to risk being controversial and simply say that it's our responsibility to select our words carefully. I'll cite the confusion over the message of "The Secret" as an example.

There are people who sincerely wish for great things to happen, yet are denied due to conditions and circumstances which are no fault of their own. I've heard arguments to the extreme that the people of New Orleans somehow collectively brought hurricane Katrina upon themselves through some collective negative thought. As you can see, this point of view can quickly deteriorate to the point of absurdity.

On the other hand…I'm sure that like me, many of you probably know people who have acted impulsively because they sincerely believed the universe would provide for them. Today many of these people end up in terrible credit card debt or even bankrupt. Their bankruptcy is not just material as their faith in the possibilities open to them is often crushed as well causing poverty in material, emotional and spiritual life.

Positive thought is prerequisite for positive action. Ms. Z, respectfully it seems obvious that your eventual decision to purchase your laptop when and how you did was intelligently considered. You made your decision when the need was great enough to create a balance with the consequences; your work was able to support the payments and you needed the computer to do your work effectively. Had you been in a negative mindset, fear or complacency may have outweighed the benefits of your decision and you might still not have the computer that helps you effective perform your mission.

Positive thought free from the constraints of irrational fear or anxiety opens our minds to possibility. From the possible we can take action to increase probability. Once we take that action, then we do have much greater access to the unlimited resources around us.

That's the secret.

About the author

jim bouchardJim is now a regular at 'Change Your Thoughts', if you haven't already visited his site I would urge you to have a look. Jim is an author, businessman, personal development trainer, black belt Karate instructor, football coach….the list goes on. He is the creator of the Dynamic Components of Personal Power program. Visit Jim's site at www.jimbouchard.org for more information on his self development program.

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About the author

Jim Bouchard

Jim is now a regular at ‘Change Your Thoughts’, if you haven’t already visited his site I would urge you to have a look. Jim is an author, businessman, personal development trainer, black belt Karate instructor, football coach….the list goes on. He is the creator of the Dynamic Components of Personal Power program. Visit Jim’s site at www.jimbouchard.org for more information on his self development program.
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