
The Early Riser Interviews

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After nearly two months of preparation the release of How to Become an Advanced Early Riser is nearly here.   It will be released on Wednesday.

As a pre-launch to the guide I had the pleasure of interviewing 9 famous bloggers and authors who are all early risers:

John Paul Aguiar

Leo Babauta

Dawn Breslin

James Chartrand

Chris Garrett

Maria Gudelis

Nathen Hangen

Charlie Pabst

Liz Strauss

The interviews have now been published as an ebook and you can download it here: The Early Riser Interviews'

Everybody interviewed had great answers to the questions and it gives a unique insight into the lives of some fantastic people you may already know.

All of the bloggers and authors, without exception, cited being an early riser as a key component to their success in life, and they go on to give us a typical day for them.   Most of them also managed to get by on less sleep than the average 8 hours, which is what the new guide is all about.

Tomorrow I have readers questions which I will be answering in a video presentation and of course Wednesday I will be releasing How to Become an Advanced Early Riser

I would love it if you could leave a Facebook comment on the Early Riser Interviews page and let me know what you think, and obviously leave a comment here too and tell me your thoughts on this 🙂

A special Thank You to Deborah McGonigal, one of the subscribers to this blog, who sent in a question about being an early riser and suggesting that I give examples of other peoples routines.   This gave me the idea for 'The early Riser Interviews'

Thank you for all your support so far and I hope you enjoy the book.

Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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