
Sunday Siesta – August 16th

11 Great personal development posts from around the net, you don't want to miss this weeks edition.

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This week I have some cracking posts for you from around the net, every single one of them are worthy of your time.

11 Great personal development posts August 9th – August 15th

Productive Magazine – Issue#3 – If you have not read this online and print magazine I would urge you to go over and give it a read, it's great, well laid out well written and very well marketed.

Subjective reality – CraigHarper
– I in usual great writing style Craig tells us about how his reality has changed from when his mind was living in the 80's and 90s. he looks at how we can change our own realities, a must read.

sunday_siestaI am my own worst enemy – MarcandAngel – This is a fantastic story from Marc and shows all of us how irrational thinking can affect our lives. I don't want to spoil this for you but you should definitively head over there and read it.

Selflessness – JoyfulDays – How do you write about dog poo and turn it into a personal development post, Daphne shows us how!

When Lightning Strikes – AdvancedLifeSkills – Jonathan speaks about how to deal with adverse situations in your life with his usual style of linking the, seemingly, ordinary with the way we live our lives

Post Raw Food Diet – DragosRoua – Dragos wrote a great series on starting a raw food diet which lasted for 9 months. here he gives a great account of the advantages and the disadvantages of the raw food diet.

The dark side of healthy eating – NaturalBias – A great post about acquiring the habit of healthy eating and how hard it can be. Vin talks about the benefits of healthy eating in a way that is not a lecture but simple facts with great advice.

Coping with conflict and criticism – ADaringAdventure – Tim wrote a great post this week about dealing with conflict and related it to a story about a client of his. It's a long post as is Tim's style but as always a great read.

Looking Skyward – SereneJourney – I don't really know why I added this in except that there was just something beautiful about it. It's all about stargazing but once you read it you'll know what I mean, it just touches somewhere different.

How I overcame my worst fears – KatieFreiling – Kate Freiling talks about how she overcame her fears, with the ultimate one being public speaking, another great read from Katie.

Tips on how to attract the opposite sex – TheDeepFriar – This blog is required reading for making you laugh, and personal growth. The Deep Friar has a great style of writing and the blog is going to be huge in a few months time.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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