I can't believe how quick time flies. When I was a child my mum and dad used to tell me that time flies a lot quicker the older you get, I didn't really understand that statement at the time, but I totally get what they mean now.
2010 was a year of focus for me with regards to the blog. I was running a lot of micro businesses and making a decent income for a part timer, but I felt my mind was all over the place trying to manage these streams of income, despite believing that it was all passive income; I don't think there's such a thing as passive income.
I decided that 2010 was going to be the year I focussed on one thing and that one thing was the blog. I have always loved the writing and interaction with all the readers of the blog so it seemed natural that I would choose to focus on blogging, and writing. I sold all the micro businesses I had and went all out to develop my passion for writing, blogging, creating and interacting with like minded people.
Despite the loss of income from the micro businesses I am extremely happy with my decision to focus solely on the blog and the writing..
There has only been one lowlight for me this year which was the launch of AlterYourJacket.com "“ A video based training course. I have written about it here.
It turns out that I learned a great deal from the launch of AYJ and have used this knowledge to go on and launch new products and use the material that I had developed over 6 months.
This year I have written and published 4 books
100 ways to find ideas for Your Blog Posts
I had help in the form of a motivational partner called Dragos Roua. Dragos and I competed with each other to write and publish these books and between I think we wrote 9 books (Dragos came out on top)
I took me about 6 weeks to finish these books. I published them and left them and haven't really done any marketing and they have brought in around $1200, and I expect this will be a regular income for life.
October saw the launch of CYTGuides.com and a new guide called How to Become an Advanced Early Riser. Without the help of Sid Savara, Jonathan Wells, Arvind Devalia and Dragos Roua I wouldn't have got this off the ground, so I am eternally grateful.
CYTGuides.com has managed to bring in an extra $3,500 since it launched, and more guides are planned for 2011.
Guest posters
2010 was a year for guest posts at CYT and there have been some fantastic writers who have joined the CYT authors club J
List of all the writers this year
It's been amazing to see the response to guest post for CYT and I have now changed my posting schedule for 1 article every two days with a guest post every 4 days, such is the demand.
Being associated with TheDailyBrainstorm.com
I met a few great people over at TheDailyBrainstorm whilst I volunteered to become their guest post editor. Of the people I got to know better four stand out: Barrie Davenport, Geri Langlois, Mary Jaksch and Angela Artemis.
Whilst I am not as involved as I was at the beginning I think TheDailybrainstorm.com I am still proud to be associated with everyone and the well run team over there.
Statistics for 2010
2010 has been a great year for CYT in terms of change and growth. Here are some figures:
Subscribers grew from 6,300, at the start of the year to 15,200 to date (141% growth)
Page Views: 1,204,645 up from 663,978 last year (81% growth)
Unique Visits: 767,994 up from 442,496 last year (73% growth)
Clicks out: 177,991 up from 109,184 last year (63% growth)
Top 10 Articles by view count
Social Media
Twitter followers for @StevenAitchison – 3,565
Facebook Fans at Facebook.com/StevenPAitchison – 1089
Online Earnings For 2010
Sale of micro businesses – $5,500
Affiliate sales – $3,100
CytGuides.com – $2,793 (after paying affiliates)
Coaching – $1,100
Writing – $600
Book Sales – $1,200
Advertising on CYT – $670
Total online earnings – $14,963 down from $19,348 in 2009
Although earnings are down due to not having as many micro businesses the stress related to running websites and everything that goes with it is much lower and I am much happier focusing on one thing, so this does not worry me at all.
Looking ahead to 2011
I have already made plans to release a new 28 day, blog based, course called
Mind Alchemy: Change Your Life in 28 Days
This will kick off in February 2011 and it's something I am really excited about. The initial course will be free for everyone to join and I am hoping to get a lot of readers participating in this.
The course will be based online but it is my hope that this is the course that I will start doing seminars with, so I am eager to see how it works out.
I plan to release another 4 books to sell on Amazon.com over the coming year to add to the 4 I already have. I already have books lined up and know what I am going to write about, it's now just a matter of knuckling down.
New blog design for CYT. This has been on the cards for a while
Another 4 guides to add to CYTGuides.com
Grow the CYT forum and promote it more. I am aware that a forum is needed for the blog and I already have one up, but I would like to get more readers participating on the forum. I have not done much about the forum since I put it up so this is a big goal of mine.
Thank you
Robin Easton – Robin has been a great support this year and our friendship has grown stronger over the last year.
Jonathan Wells "“ Another friendship that has grown stronger despite both of us being really busy. I value Jonathan's sage advice on everything and he has helped me a lot in 2010.
Dragos Roua – Dragos was an amazing partner for the Amazon book challenge and I deeply value his friendship and advice
Ayo Olaniyan "“ Has been tremendously supportive of my work and has regularly featured me in his online magazine at http://discoveringpurpose.co.uk/
Sid Savara – One of the nicest guys online. Sid was a great support throughout the AYJ launch and the How to Become an Advanced Early Riser launch and just a good friend.
Charles Pabst – Another great guy to work with. he is the designer for all the beautiful CYT guides
Barrie Davenport – I've got to know Barrie over the last few months and her work ethic, and commitment to her cause amazes me. A true inspiration
Zeenat Syal – Another angel.
Farnoosh Brock – For all her support over the last year.
There are so many more people to thank and I have thanked them all in my own way over the course of the year.
What are your highlights of 2010?
would love to know how you got on in 2010, why not share it here.