
Mind Alchemy – A Challenge for 2011

Sharing is caring!

Mind Alchemy personal development courseAs we prepare for 2011 and all the wonderful challenges that it has to offer, I'd like to tell you about a brand new course I will be running starting on the 1st February 2011.   It's called:

Mind Alchemy: Change Your Life in 28 Days

It's a complete 28 day course which will be run on the blog for everyone to participate.   So, for the whole month of February there will be a new part of the course which will be blog based and will help you change your thoughts and in turn your life around to where you want to be.

The course will be looking at where you are now in your life, looking at where you want to be and finally giving you the complete set of tools to be able to reach your outcomes in life.   There will be workbooks, downloads to listen to, and a sense of community as we help each other along the path we were born to walk.

Will there be much work involved in this? Without a doubt, this will require up to 60 minutes per day, but I guarantee this course will change the way you think and ultimately change your life.

What's it all about?

For 28 days I will be posting exercises, daily practices, and downloads to help you change your thinking.

Over the years I have collected the best exercises that I have used for my own personal development, and feel all the ones that will be posted will help anyone who uses them.

The key to the course is to do the mind exercises every day; we can't change our life if we don't change our thinking habits.

I will be posting more information nearer the time, but I wanted you to know the plans before anyone else.

How much will it cost?

Nothing whatsoever, but your time.

Why is it free if it's going to change my life?

It's a brand new course, and whilst I know all the things I will show you work, I haven't rolled it out on a   large scale, so you will be my guinea pigs 🙂

Seriously, I was going to charge $49 for anyone who wanted to join this course, however after the first course I will take everyone's feedback, revise the course accordingly and then roll it out again in April with a workbook, guide and all the downloads.

How to register for the Mind Alchemy Challenge

If you are interested in registering please leave a comment below.   I will be making a wall of photos to show everyone who is registering for the course, so please leave me a link which is a large photo of yourself to post on the wall.   This is just to give you a little exposure, l and it will give you some accountability.

Also please join the Mind Alchemy Facebook Group, this way we can chat about the upcoming course and chat some more when registrations are completed and the course goes live.

I will also have a twitter hashtag for everyone to use nearer the time.

I hope you can join me for this challenge as I know it's going to be a life changer for a lot of people.

I would like to thank Celestine Chua for giving me the idea for this.   Originally the course was going to be forum based and private, however after seeing what Celes did on her blog I was inspired to do the same.

Add your name below if you would like to register and remember and put a link to a large photo of yourself if you can 😉

Update 03/01/11 – How to add a photo for the gallery below

First find a photo of yourself on your computer and rename it with your full name e.g. Steven Aitchison

Click on the following link:

Upload Your Photo to the gallery

Click 'Browse'

Find the photo you renamed and click on it

enter the password 'default'

Then click on 'Upload the file to my dropbox'

I will do the rest from there and add it to the gallery.

A gallery of the people who have registered so far

[flashgallery Rows="6" height="800px"]

Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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