
Mind Alchemy Information

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As you know I have only posted one article for the month of January and left you in the capable hands of some great guest posters. I am extremely grateful to: Roman Soluk, Barrie Davenport, Mike Reeves-McMillan, Joshua Noerr, Vincent Tan, and Anita Chaperon.

This is because I have been working on the Mind Alchemy course and getting it ready to roll out tomorrow here at the blog.

I have to say I am a bit overwhelmed at the response for the course, in a good way J

There have been over 540 participants signed up via the blog and over 260 signed up at the Mind Alchemy Facebook group.

Mind AlchemyUpdate: Please click on this link for more information about the new Mind Alchemy course. All the links to the downloads have now been removed. I would like to thank all 800+ readers who expressed an interest in this course and for everyone who completed the course the first time round, it is becasue of you I could make the course better.


What's it all about?

For 28 days I will be posting exercises, daily practices, and downloads to help you change your thinking, to ultimately help you to change your life.

Here is a course outline for the next 28 days:

Day 1 – Exercise The Wheel of Life
Day 2 – Exercise Your Motivation Direction
Day 3 – Exercise Unearthing your principles
Day 4 -Exercise Your Vision Statements
Day 5 Daily practice – Outcomes for 2011
Day 6 – Exercise Your Perfect day
Day 7 – Exercise The nature of your thoughts
Day 8 – Exercise Your theme songs for your life
Day 9 – Exercise Changing your beliefs
Day 10 Daily practice – Relaxation
Day 11 – Download Relaxation guided meditation
Day 12 – Exercise Letting go of yourself
Day 13 – Exercise Organise your life
Day 14 Daily practice – Affirmations
Day 15 – Exercise Emotions and how to use them to your benefit
Day 16 – Exercise The myth that is happiness
Day 17 – Exercise Your reality is not my reality
Day 18 Daily practice – Gratitude
Day 19 – Exercise Using social media to show appreciation
Day 20 – Exercise Instant feel good breathing techniques
Day 21 – Exercise Help others get what they want in life
Day 22 Daily practice – Visualisation
Day 23 – Exercise Overcoming fear
Day 24 – Exercise Cultivate good habits
Day 25 Daily practice – Outcome movie
Day 26 – Guided A meeting with your 3 selves
Day 27 Daily practice "“ Your meeting room
Day 28 – Exercise Bringing it all together "“ Action plan

The key to the course is to do the mind exercises every day; we can't change our life if we don't change our thinking habits.

How much will it cost?

Nothing whatsoever, but your time.

Why is it free if it's going to change my life?

It's a brand new course, and whilst I know all the things I will show you work, I haven't rolled it out on a large scale, so you will be my guinea pigs 🙂

Seriously, I was going to charge $49 for anyone who wanted to join this course, however after the first course I will take everyone's feedback, revise the course accordingly and then roll it out again in April with a workbook, guide and all the downloads.

How to register for the Mind Alchemy Challenge


Join the Mind Alchemy course here and leave a comment to register for the course


You can also join the Mind Alchemy Facebook Group, this way we can chat about the upcoming course and chat some more when registrations are completed and the course goes live.


If you would like to discuss the Mind Alchemy course we can do so via Twitter hashtag #MindAlchemy

I hope you can join me for this challenge as I know it's going to be a life changer for a lot of people.
What will you need to start?

You don't need to purchase anything special, you can use items lying around the house. You can either use your computer and make a special folder specifically for the Mind Alchemy course or you can have a paper copy and put it into a folder designated for the Mind alchemy course.

Paper copy

1 Folder just for the Mind alchemy course (downloads of each exercise sheet will be provided)

Polly pockets to put each exercise sheet into.

1 notepad to jot down your thoughts and notes.

The only other things you will need is yourself, an open mind, and the commitment to follow through on each days exercises, and you will gets lots of support from everyone else via comments, on twitter and via the facebook group.

What time does it start?

Each day there will be an article posted at 6am GMT which is a good time for the UK and everybody west of the UK as we will wake up to start the day with a new exercise.   Those east of the UK timeline will get it a little later on.

A big apology and thank you

I have to apologise to my friends, both online and offline as I have had my head down in this course for a few months and hardly spoke to anyone. The course has been changed so many times, written, re-written, scrapped and written all over again. What I have I am happy with, but ultimately it's you who is going to be doing the course.

I would like to thank Celestine Chua for giving me the idea for this. Originally the course was going to be forum based and private, however after seeing what Celes did on her blog I was inspired to do the same.

A humungous thank you goes to all the readers who have joined so far and all the comments and words of encouragement at the Mind Alchemy Facebook group.

Thank you also goes to everyone who has tweeted and FB'd about the course over the last few weeks, I really do appreciate it.

There will also be a few readers who are going to blog about the course as it gets going and I will link to each of them once the course is up and running, so another huge thank you for everyones commitment in blogging about this.


After the course ends I would like to ask for feedback and/or testimonials for the upcoming course starting in April. I am also looking for video testimonials if anyone feels brave enough to do that, however wait and see what you think of the course first J

Okay, until tomorrow. I honestly am nervous, excited and a little afraid as to how this is going to turn out, but it's going to amazing 🙂

Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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