
Mind Alchemy Day 4 "“ Personal Vision Statements

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Mind Alchemy

Update: Please click on this link for more information about The new Mind Alchemy course. All the links to the downloads have now been removed. I would like to thank all 800+ readers who expressed an interest in this course and for everyone who completed the course the first time round, it is becasue of you I could make the course better.

Before we start

You can still join the course by Clicking here


A few readers are now blogging about their experiences on the course, and it would be great to lend your support:

Stacy Claflin – Grow With Stacy

Marty BoneIdol – Living Life in Chapters

Derek Breuning – Tech Life

Stephen – New Life Starts Here

Read the interview I have done with Angela Artemis from Powered by Intuition

Read the interview I have done with Sandi Faviell from DevaCoaching

Watch an interview I made with Suzie Cheel on Mind Alchemy

Mind Alchemy Day 4

Okay, after yesterday's mammoth exercise it's time for something a little easier, just a little.

Today we are going to be looking at your personal vision statements.   These will added to your outcomes worksheet on day 5, and work to help keep you focused and motivated toward your outcomes in life.

What are personal vision statements

A personal vision statements is a statement of intent with regards to your outcomes in life.   It's similar to a mission statement, but whilst a mission statement encompasses ALL that you stand for in life, a vision statement covers specific outcomes.

Look at some of these vision statements from some famous companies:


"McDonald's vision is to be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile."


"To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete*

in the world"

* If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Your vision statements are going to be personal to you and apply to each individual outcome you will achieve in life.   As mentioned before, an outcome is something you want to achieve in the future, and we'll discuss this at length tomorrow.

For now I'd like you to go back to day 2's exercise.   You should have written down 4 outcomes you wanted to achieve.   We are going to use these 4 outcomes to practice writing your vision statements.

Today's exercise

Download today's exercise sheet here

Vision statement guide

The aim of a vision statement, in this course, is to write a concise statement, 2-3 sentences long that will capture the essence of what you do to achieve your outcome and the feelings, and emotions you feel when have achieved your outcome.

The aim is not to be specific here, the aim is to capture the whole, rather than the pieces that make it up, in other words we are not concerned about how you are going to achieve the outcome we are concerned broadly with the feelings and emotions you have when you have achieved it.

Example vision statement

As an example I will share with you one of my vision statements:

Outcome: I feel amazing, have a deep sense of freedom, and satisfaction   as my business is generating, at least, £10,000 per month in profit, whilst helping others realise their dreams in life.

Vision statement: I provide high quality information products that are affordable, exciting, and help everyone who reads them, whilst building up genuine and amazing relationships with my readers and partners. I wake up every morning bursting with energy, excited, and grateful that I have   the ability, knowledge, and deep motivation to keep writing better products.

You'll notice, in the example above, that the outcome is a little more specific, whilst the vision statement looks at the way I feel when the outcome has been achieved.

Purpose of vision statements

The purpose of a vision statement is to energise you, to stimulate your creativity, to motivate the hell out of you, you feel the outcome, see it, smell it, taste it and it gets your blood pumping.   The feeling is like Christmas morning; you're all pumped up ready to run through to the living room to open your presents, you can see the presents in your mind, you can hear yourself ripping off the wrapping paper, you can feel the elation as you can see what you asked for from the big man in the red suit, it's all too much, you feel overwhelmed, and almost burst like a water filled balloon.   That is the purpose of a vision statement. (sorry, got a bit carried away there 🙂 )

Get outside your comfort zone

When I first started writing my outcomes (I used to call them goals) down and keeping them in a folder, in my money category I used to say things like 'I am earning £1,500 per month doing something I love' and do you know what, I am earning £1,500 per month doing something I love; an addiction worker.   However I was way inside my comfort zone.   Now I am a little more specific and think about what I could comfortably live on and realise all my dreams at the same time.   I don't want to win the lottery, I want to do something I love doing and get paid well for it but still be my own boss, and take care of my family.   £10,000 per month is a figure I came up with, as I originally thought 'it would be great to earn £5,000 per month', then I doubled it and said 'I am earning £10,000 per month', then I took off all the overheads I would have to pay and added   'I am earning £10,000 per month, in profit', so I got a little outside my comfort zone.

I once read a quote from a story:

"You don't get million dollar ideas from a ten dollar vision"

Something amazing happens when you do something like this.   Originally I could see no way of earning £5,000 per month, however when I doubled it  and then made it a profit of £10,000 per month, the £5,000 per month did not seem that big an outcome to shoot for.   When we expand our level of expectation, we demand and expect more of ourselves and our minds begin to work for us in ways that we couldn't have imagined.   Your mind wants a challenge, Give it one!


Tomorrow is going to be another massive day for everyone.   This is when we will be working on our outcomes for 2011 and beyond.   I promise this is going to be amazing for you.   We will tie together everything we have learned over the last few days and wrap it up into something we can work on every day for the next lifetime.    Until tomorrow my fellow Mind Alchemists"¦"¦..

Action follows a thought"¦

This course is about taking action, and to become pro active in changing your life.   Take time to do this exercise and really think about it throughout the day.   You don't need to wait until tomorrow to take steps to improve your "˜Wheel of Life', but with the support and encouragement from all the members we can help each other and support each other, but ultimately "˜you have to bring something to the table!'

Your thoughts

As always it's good to talk about your experiences and share it with the rest of the members of the course, so let us know how this exercise went for you and if you gained any insights or had any revelations about yourself or your life.

You can share your thoughts at Mind Alchemy Facebook Group

You can Tweet using the hashtag #MindAlchemy

Or of course you can leave a comment below.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.