Personal Development

Mind Alchemy 2 With Free Video Training

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It's finally here! Mind Alchemy the new updated version of the online personal development course designed to Unlock The POWER of Your Mind, is now in pre launch mode with 4 unique videos I have made for you I think you're going to love the videos I have made for this launch as I haven't seen anything like this before in the personal development field.

What is Mind Alchemy all about?

For those of you who don't know about Mind Alchemy – It's a 20 module online   personal development course designed to be completed 1 module per weekday and use the weekends as catch up or work on the larger modules. This course really is a life changer and can start you on your quest to change your life or certain aspects of your life. It looks at changing your beliefs, installing new beliefs, controlling your emotions, setting outcomes in your life, changing your thinking patterns and much more.

I ran a trial run at the beginning of February and over 840 people put their hands up to join the course, and over 400 readers joined in the secret Facebook group. This time I have a new Facebook group and also a chance to join the forum with a special section just for Mind Alchemy participants, so it really is a social course and many friendships have been forged from the first Mind Alchemy course. The support you receive from all the participants on the course is amazing, and I will obviously be in the Facebook group and forum to help you along the way.

I planned to launch Mind Alchemy last month, but decided to give myself a hard time and go upscale and do a full blown launch with new software from Rapid Action Profits and using Optimize Press for the launch pages. It was a steep learning curve, but it's kept the old grey matter working overtime for the last month or so 🙂

Help promote Mind Alchemy

If you want to promote Mind Alchemy free training videos you can sign up at the Mind Alchemy Affiliates area and use the tools provided to start promoting Mind Alchemy for your own readers, as there is some great content in the videos.   You will also recieve 50% of any sales you make with your referral link.

I would really appreciate it if you could comment on the videos as they come out, using the Facebook comment feature or the blog commenting feature after each video.

As ever I will be offering Mind Alchemy at a special price for 4 days to all subscribers of CYT and subscribers of the Mind Alchemy launch. It will be $37 for the first 4 days and then will go up to $59 after that. There's also a special one time offer whereby you can get the Interviewing the Coaches product for $10 per month instead of $17 per month, these are the interviews I have been carrying out over the last month and will continue to add more interviews as the weeks go on. You will get 1 downloadable interview with some of the worlds top life coaches every month for as long as you're subscribed. You've already heard some of the readers questions section of the interview, but the full interviews gives you so much more, and it's been great meeting all the coaches and interviewing them.

Your thoughts

As ever I love getting feedback on everything I do, in order to improve for the future, so leave you thoughts and comments here or ask any questions about the launch or the content in the videos.

Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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