Ever hear famous authors talk about whole books moving through them onto the page"¦about how the work was channeled or the flow unstoppable? Think that would never happen to you because you aren't "Chosen" or "Special" like them? Think again. Those folks are in touch with the miraculous energy of creativity that comes through being awake and aware. And you can have that too!
I figured this out after I started to use body awareness, meditation and breathing as a regular practice to enhance my writing. When I connect with that still, quiet place inside of me, practice observing my feelings, thoughts and emotions, and write from the flow that comes from this space, there is never a shortage of inspiration or words.
Over a twenty year career as a physical therapist I did the work of healing I needed to do for myself while I taught it all to my clients. Now I'm able to think, believe and act differently. I'm in touch with my intuition, creativity and joy. It's through these things that my writing and poetry flows.
The magic of creative flow isn't really magic. It's a learnable skill that anyone can practice. It's not for the special, gifted or chosen few. It's for anyone who's wiling to embark on a healing journey to Feng Shui their soul and clear out a space for inspiration to move through.
Everyone can learn the healing tools and techniques that lead to creative inspiration. When we wake up and begin to clean off the layers of dirt that sit over our soul, all of a sudden we get ideas and the writing flows. When the noise of our mind is all we can hear, that flow is drowned out, covered up and smothered.
Here are some steps you can follow to connect with your creative energy and inspiration and become a better writer – to help your writing come alive. Remember this's a practice that'll have to be cultivated. If you have a lot of sh*t, don't expect to heal it all in one sitting. Layer by layer is how to handle it. Peel them off and stay brave. This journey is not for sissies.
7 Ways to Unlock Creative Flow and Help You Write Better
Feel your body. Body awareness is by far the most powerful tool you have for starting the healing and peeling process. When you wake up and feel what is going on, including noticing sensations, thoughts, feelings and emotions, you have the ticket to clearing space for creative flow.
Listen to what your body says. Once you get better at feeling you'll be able to connect those sensations with a "Yes" or a "No" as far as making decisions about things going on in your life. Your intuition speaks through the body. Start learning her language.
Don't over-think. As soon as you lock yourself up in that box in your head you've lost connection with your power – your body. Watch your thoughts like a hawk, notice when you are caught up in negativity and then gently bring yourself back to the body by bringing your focus to the sensations. Deep breathing is a great way to do this.
Meditate. Start a practice of body awareness or breathing meditation. Give yourself more time to be in your body and clear your mind. Get used to the anxiety you will feel doing "Nothing." And then do more of it.
Breathe before you write. Whenever you sit down to write or create, spend five minutes breathing and connecting with your body and your intuition. Get still and feel. Don't force ideas – let them come.
Take action. Start your process. No matter what is going on in your mind, no matter what messages you are getting that say you aren't good enough, start writing. Give yourself permission to write crap. And keep writing. Through taking that action you will unclog the flow. Every gold nugget was discovered by sifting through loads of dirt.
Write what you feel. When you channel "Source" energy it's not something you think. You feel it. This requires surrendering to feeling and letting go of fear. When you write what you feel you are moving that energy onto the page. Try letting go into creative flow.
What are some of the ways you have learned to enhance your creative flow? I'd love to hear about that in the comments below!