Fantastic website and blog
Fantastic Blog
Once in a while you stumble upon a fantastic blog or website, rarely do you
come across two in the one night.
The blog I refer to is in
their own words: ‘The TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference
is an annual event where leading thinkers and doers gather for inspiration.
(More at The TEDBlog
covers the same ground, on a rather more frequent basis.’
In particular go to the right hand side for the video podcasts section, it
is chock full of amazing people giving talks on all sorts of subjects. I
have just watched the Richard Dawkins which you can view here:
Have a good look around the site it is truly amazing.
Fantastic website – Again
in their own words: Connexions is an environment for collaboratively
developing, freely sharing, and rapidly publishing scholarly content on the
Web. Our Content Commons contains educational
materials for everyone — from children to college students to professionals — organized
in small modules that are
easily connected into larger courses.
All content is free to use and reuse under the Creative
Commons "attribution" license.
It is a great idea and one I believe which will change the face of education.