Making Money from FB

5 Amazing Ways to Make Money From Your Facebook Page

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Okay so you’ve built up your Facebook page to 20,000+ likes, and your engagement rate (People Talking About This divided by Total Number of Likes x 100)% is sitting at 120%. 

All well and good, you’ve started to build up trust amongst your readers, they like your videos, your images quotes and your blog posts, but what next?

You want to monetise your Facebook page, you want it to work for you instead of you working for Facebook.

As of November 2015 I currently make around $150,000 per year from my Facebook page alone and that’s profit not gross.

I honestly don’t say that to brag, I tell you to show you want’s possible.

You might be saying yeah, but you’ve got 1.5 million likes on your page, how much could I make from my page if I only have 100,000 likes and a high engagement, or even 10,000 likes and a high engagement?

Well a very rough calculation would be $100 per year for every 1000 likes you have on your page, that’s for all income streams combined.

The operative word here is engaged readers, so you need to work on the engagement of your readers first to get your engagement % as high as possible.  It’s possible to have 1 million likes and not make a penny from Facebook if your engagement rate is extremely low, say around 1-10%.  My program Your Challenge Solved focuses on increasing your engagement rate so you can start monetising your page.

5 Amazing  Ways to Make Money from your Facebook Page


1. Your Own Products and Funnels

If you have your own product of service that you can offer then this is going to be the very best way to make money from Facebook, providing your product or service converts well and you have a good funnel in place to increase your overall value per subscriber.

So think about a funnel for your product and not just sell a one off product e.g. an ebook for $27 as it's going to be tough to make a lot of money from Facebook with a one off product at $27.

So start thinking about what you can offer as an upsell to that $27 ebook.

The very best way to do this is ask yourself what product or service could you offer at $2,000, I mean really think about it, everyone has something that they can truly offer for $2,000 and your customer still gets enormous value from.  So think from the top down, so it might look like this:

A live seminar for $300 per person (100 people = $30,000-costs)

Private Coaching for $2,000

A group mastermind for $1,000

A membership program for $500

A smaller membership for $300

An upsell to ebook for $100

Ebook for $37

of course this can involve a lot of time and effort, but hey you're building a business and nobody said it was going to be easy.

The software you use is also really important.  I used to use about 6 different programs to make my funnels but now I use the brilliant Click Funnels (Aff Link)

So how do you promote it on Facebook?

The best way to drive traffic to your funnel is by starting off sending your readers to your squeeze page in order to get readers onto your subscriber list, that way this will be traffic you own (We'll speak more about email list later on).

To drive traffic to your squeeze page you can do it like this

  1. A direct link to your squeeze page in a post on your page
  2. Links added to some of your viral posts
  3. the sign up button on your business page
  4. The link in your ‘Short Description’ on your page
  5. The link for your website on your page
  6. Tabs going straight to your squeeze page

Once you have a post up on Facebook going straight to your squeeze page you can then start advertising to that post to increase the subscriber count and hopefully your overall sales.

2. Advertisements on Your Blog

Google Adsense is the most obvious choice here, whereby you place Google ads in your blog posts and get paid every time someone clicks on an ad.

That can be extremely lucrative if you’re sending enough traffic to your blog from your Facebook page.  They key is to write articles that are going to appeal to your niche and I have found the very best articles are list posts e.g. 10 Things You Should Drop From Your Life Starting Now

There is an art to writing blog posts but once you get it you can expect to earn a lot of money from the information your are providing. 

For every blog post I write I expect to earn at least $200 per year from them.  That’s the beauty of Facebook, you can repost your best articles over and over again, say every 4 weeks. 

And another thing about driving traffic to your blog from Facebook is the share functionality.  If a big Facebook page really likes your content and they share it on their page or with their friends then you can expect a lot of traffic.

To learn how to write great articles the very best places to learn are:



Jon Morrow’s blog Boost Blog Traffic

Aside from Google Adsense there are other ad networks out there that are revenue sharing:

Vishveshwar Jatain has written a great article on a lot of these at 23 Best Ad Networks For Publishers (2015 Edition)

3. Growing Your Email List

Here’s where Facebook really comes into it’s own. 

You can grow your list rapidly using your Facebook page and then start making money from that list. 

For example if you have a product to sell you might give your readers a free ebook to sign up for and then once they’ve signed up you send the reader direct to a salespage for a low priced, but high perceived value offer like an ebook.

But, if your nurture your new email list correctly you can make money over and over again by sending out your offers and other peoples offers and making affiliate commissions.

Yaro Starak has some amazing information on his blog over at Entrepreneurs-Journey on growing and making money from your email list, in fact it’s just a brilliant resource for business in general.

So how do you grow your email list from Facebook:

  1. A direct link to your squeeze page
  2. Links added to some of your viral posts
  3. the sign up button on your business page
  4. The link in your ‘Short Description’ on your page
  5. The link for your website on your page
  6. Tabs going straight to your squeeze page

Obviously you have to keep in touch with your email list and I would recommend 1 email every 2-3 days.  One great ting you can do with your list is to send them to your blogs posts, this has the advantage of ‘always on’ content and has the huge advantage of making your more money from Google Adsense or any of the other ad networks you have on your blog.

4. Affiliate Commissions

Another obvious way to make money from your Facebook page is by signing up to an affiliate platform such as Clickbank, JVZoo, Amazon, Share-a-sale, or Commission Junction.  

Once you've signed up to these platforms you can start selling programs and products from their vast range of affiliate programs.  For every sale you make you would get a %commission depending on the platform and the program you are selling, so read what the offer is for each program.

I would say Clickbank is the best choice for those starting out as it has a huge amount of programs for nearly every niche you can think of.

Promoting Affiliate offers on Facebook

So, you can post an offer on your Facebook page, which will probably not do well organically, meaning you won't get a lot of clicks to the offer from your readers of your page as Facebook will limit the reach of that post.  However, if you have a high priced item you are selling with a few upsells and the average sale is something like $147 and you know it converts at something like 1.5%, then if you do the math right you can advertise to that post and still make money.

e.g Average sale is $147

Conversion is 1.5%

Commission is 50%

For every 100 visitors you send to the affiliate linked salespage you make sales of $220.50 and affiliate commission of $110.25.

This means you can afford to spend around $1 per click to the right audience and still make money, so you pay $100 for 100 clicks and make yourself $110.25 giving you a net profit of $10.25

So the trick is to try and lower the cost per click from your Facebook ads, which is not easy but well worth investing the time to learn all you can about FB Ads.  if you managed to cut the cost per click by 25% here's what happens:

Your cost per click goes to $0.75

Your cost per 100 clicks is no $75

Your commissions – your ad spend is now $35.25 instead of $10.25

So it can be worthwhile but a lot of work involved in testing and tweaking.

A better way to do it

A much better way to promote affiliate offers is to use content marketing, meaning you write a great 'pillar' blog post (A post that gives amazing information and will likely get a lot of shares, comments,and likes). Within the article you can promote an affiliate offer that is relevant to that topic.

When you've written your pillar blog post you then link to it from Facebook and get traffic that way.

Again you have to be mindful of the numbers as the Click Through Rate (CTR) on your affiliate offer is not going to be really high, BUT if you have a great call to action you can expect maybe 3-8% CTR

So say you have a great pillar blog post with relevant links embedded into the article, and a great call to action you can expect maybe 5% of the readers to click through on that link, so lets do the numbers using the above affiliate offer as before:

Average sale is $147

Conversion is 1.5%

Commission is 50%

Click through rate of traffic from Facebook is 5%

For every 2000 visitors from Facebook 100 people click to the offer, making you $220.50 in sales and $110.25 in commission.

That sounds like a hell of a lot of traffic to get for only $110.25, but here's the beauty of this system.  You can place an ad on Facebook directing the right audience to that posts on Facebook which links to your blog post and get clicks for $0.01 – $0.05, if it's a great article of course.

So, if you spend $1,000 on FB ads and get $0.04 per click you would get 25,000 visitors to the blog post. Remember we said for every 2000 visitors you send you get $110.25 in commission so for 25,000 visitors you would make $1378.13 on your $1,000 ad spend (An ROI of 37.8%).  However it doesn't stop there.

the money you spend on the Facebook ad just records the number of clicks you send via your ad, but that will not include the traffic you get from shares, so if you post goes viral you can expect to earn much more than $1378.13 on your $1,000.

The only caveat is that Facebook doesn't always play ball with the cost per click so you have to test a lot to make this worth your while.  But if you have a great article that does well then there's no reason you can't post that article every 4 weeks and also get organic traffic.

5. Link Shares

There are a lot of websites who are trying to drive traffic to their website and enticing Facebook page owners to share their links in return for revenue share from advertising.

The brilliant site that is drives millions of visitors to their site each day using this strategy and Facebook page owners are getting a handsome return.  You can read more about the LittleThings phenomenon here

This is really good source of income as LittleThings have done all the copywriting, the placement of ads, and searched for the best stories that they know will go viral so there's no thinking involved except to pick the links that will resonate with the readers of your page and get paid every 30 days.  There's only 1 problem, usually LittleThings don't allow Facebook page owners to join their revenue sharing program unless they have 1 million likes or over.

However you can find other sites like this that offer revenue share like my page at Change Your Thoughts Today

Okay I have gone on long enough about this I think 🙂 There's a ton more information I could give you in this article so I've only really touched the tip of the iceberg here, but I wanted to keepo it below 2,000 words, and I've just gone over that number just now.

I just wanted you to see the potential your Facebook has if you focus on your engagement rate, and growing your page and really stick with it.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.