
4 Powerful Ways To Persevere So You Can Reach Your Goals!

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Sometimes it feels so easy to give up…but giving up in life won't enable you to achieve your goals.

That's where the power of perseverance comes in.

Because everyone from Olympic athletes to billionaire business tycoons to successful everyday people know one thing: They know that without the ability to truly persevere, they simply would not have made it to where they are today…they would not have achieved their goals and dreams.

4_powerful_ways_to_persevereAnd without perseverance, neither can you.

So, whether you're aiming for the stars or want to reach a "smaller" goal that's important to you, you're going to need to know how to persevere – because there will inevitably be times when things just don't seem to be going your way…when you're so down or stressed that giving up seems the best option.

So, here are 4 tips to ensure that you persevere in love, work and life, and that you don't give up… even when the going gets tough:

1- Stay Rationally Optimistic. Okay so maybe things don't always go exactly as you planned. Maybe you sometimes face unanticipated challenges or things just don't happen as fast or as easily as you'd like them to. That's OK. Because the more you live life, the more you'll see that things usually happen differently than we expected…But they do happen for the best and usually they turn out quite well :). So take it easy and stay rationally optimistic.

2- Embrace Your Setbacks. You'll find that most millionaires, billionaires, and hugely successful people in general say that some of their greatest "setbacks" were actually indispensable components of their success. Often, without these so-called "setbacks" they would not have learned what was necessary to achieve their success. So be sure to embrace your so-called setbacks as opportunities to learn more…it's very likely that these frustrations are indeed vital elements to your ultimate happiness and success.

3- Take Breaks. Really…Don't work yourself to death as you try to reach your goals! Take breaks. Meditate. Read. Sip some tea. Live a little. Sometimes our greatest insights and creative solutions come during those moments when we give ourselves a break. We now know that Einstein achieved many of his ground-breaking creative insights during his "down time," when he wasn't in the lab hard at work.

…And the most mechanical fundamentals of your brain work the same way as Einstein's did (we humans are all fundamentally built the same way). So, next time you're in need of a truly creative solution or "ground-breaking idea" for your goal, do the counter-intuitive thing: take a relaxing break.

4- Realize You're Always Right Where You Need To Be. No matter how close you are to your next goal, chances are you already have another one in place don't you? That's how life IS! So don't beat yourself up about not being "there" yet, because the truth is that right now at this very moment you are exactly where you should be on your journey toward success.

Ahhhh… at last… you can finally persevere in stress-free happiness. 🙂

So next time you feel like giving up, or even if you just need a motivational pick-me-up, look over these four tips. You'll be back on your feet in no time…and you'll arrive at your next goal in both happiness and success.

What do YOU do to persevere when the going gets tough? Have additional tips for attaining your goals and achieving success? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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About the author

Cece and Mark

Cece Suwal and Mark Brener are coauthors of the national bestseller, A Guide To Your Supreme Power and cofounders of The One World Initiative, where you can discover your path to money, love, power, success, life purpose, and meaning in their free-mini course. They co-host a weekly radio show called Finding Your Supreme Power and inspire tons of people each week on finding happiness.

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