
3 Things You Need to Find Your Authentic Self

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Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else. ~ Judy Garland

We often categorize ourselves and paint a picture of who we are by our jobs and roles in life however it is important to understand, you are not your job, what you do or neither are you defined by what qualifications you have. By looking at yourself in this way puts limits on your behaviour and your real potential, you are making yourself small and not being authentic. So now is the time to begin living a life true to who you really are. Below are 3 must have things you need to identify as your foundation for finding out who you really are and what makes you live a life of passion and integrity.


3 Things You Need

Your Values

Your values help you identify what you truly want for yourself, they show you what kind of person you are and what is important in your life, by living a life based around the values that are relevant to you will help give you more satisfaction and help you make decision based on what you really want.

When deciding on values you will live by there are different ways you can do this and the method will share with you today doesn't include long lists of words.

1. When you are around other people what 3 words will you live by?

2. What 3 words will you personally live by?

So in my case when I am around others I remind myself to always be caring, engaged and fun/optimistic (yeah I know 4 words right).

3 words I personally live by daily are gratitude, determination and humble.

So now have a think and create yours. This idea is so powerful and can make a huge difference in your life starting now.

Write them down and put them where you can see them. You have values "“ live them.

Your Strengths

Strengths are your virtues, you're unique qualities and characteristics that make you stand out. Your strengths are what comes to you naturally"¦ usually go unnoticed because you are so used to doing it!

Here are some examples:

Are you:

Brave – can take on challenges even if they are unpopular; you face fear or do you speak up for what is right.

Kind – Doing good things for other people, never too busy to help others out, caring, compassionate.

Socially Intelligent – You understand yourself and others well.

Have leadership skills  Encouraging members of a group to get things done and maintains good relationships with them.

Spirituality/faith/purpose – Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe.

These gifts were already given to you and your job is to discover them and use them, this way there is less effort and confusion to living a successful and meaningful life.

Your Passion

Living your passion means to wake up each day excited about what you do because passion is an energy that makes you feel excited and alive when you are doing the things you love. You must identify and find out what those things are that you love.

1. Define your passion what does the word passion mean to you?

2. Now answer these questions:

1. When I was a child my dream was"¦

2. Freedom for me means"¦

3. I love helping people with"¦

4. If I had a week to do anything I would"¦

5. I am the happiest when"¦

Benefits of living a passionate life include:

  • A happier you
  • Fulfillment
  • More awareness
  • Being true to yourself and others
  • Living a life you want and love
  • Purpose in your life

Being aware of and putting into practice your values, strengths and purpose and applying them into your daily life will allow you to stay true to who you are and what you are about. They are the foundation for finding your purpose and doing the things in life you love!

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About the author

Diana Reid

Diana is a beach lover, philosopher & Entrepreneur. She Is all about helping you find purpose, authenticity & happiness (sanity), which Is why she created The Personal Freedom Project. Subscribe to her Happy Triggers Guide, designed to help you find purpose, create a plan and manifest your dreams, even if you don't know where to start!

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