This weeks Sunday Siesta has 10 articles from the past week which are well worth a read and ones that can help you on your life's journey. Let me know what you think about them and let the writer know on their blog. I love the sharing of others minds to help someone else develop.
Top 10 personal development posts of this week
Top 10 thinking traps exposed – – If you've never visited this blog before you should get over there as soon as possible. Luciano Passuello has been writing for some time and some of his articles just hit the spot. This is one of them about the thinking traps we put ourselves in, very insightful indeed.
Dealing with Energy Vampires –
– I find it difficult dealing with people who drain my energy and try and avoid them. Celstine Chua gives a bit of advice for dealing with people who drain your energy. This is a great blog which has only been going around 6 months or so.
How much of life are you actually living – PluginID – A blog run by Glenn Allsop with some great articles on living the dream. This particular article is about finding happiness by living in the now, it also has a great example and story of a zen buddhist.
How to succeed in life as a late bloomer – – This is not from the last week however I first spotted it this week. Wikihow has some great articles and I thought this was a great one for people on the verge of change.
What is management and what do managers do? – – I am not usually a reader of management articles however Andrew Rondeau is someone I've followed for a while and his writing is well wroth reading. Ever wondered what managers do – Andrew will tell you.
Who needs approval – AdvancedLifeSkills – Another well written article from Jonathan Wells and a great conversation by way of comments at the end of the post. The thing about this article is that Jonathan gave an explanation as to why we week approval and it's not why you might think, very thought provoking.
How to silence the mind – DrJenniferHoward – Only found this blog by accident and read this article and thought it was simple yet effective.
5 Reasons why Billy Mays is annoyingly persuasive – – This is another great blog you might not have heard of run ny A J Kumar about persuasion techniques. This article is about Billy Mays a character promoting products on TV and why his style of advertising works. I thought this was interesting from both a business a psychological perspective.
Healthy relationship tips – DreamLifeCoaching – A Cody Butler blog which is worth a visit. This article has some good tips on keeping your relationships alive.
I don't care about Michael Jackson – ADaringAdventure – Not what you might think it is about. This post by Tim Brownson echoed my own thoughts exactly which is why I have included it here and also the fact that Tim has a brilliant blog worth visiting every few days.
I hope you enjoyed this week Sunday Siesta. If you have any suggestions for next weeks Sunday Siesta please get in touch or leave a comment below.