
Questioning your beliefs

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Your beliefs "“ Five questions

What do you believe about yourself and the world around you?

Let me ask you five questions:

  1. Do you believe the world should be good?
  2. Do you believe homosexuality is wrong?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. Do you believe in a God?
  5. Are you going to die?

questioning_beliefs1. Do you believe the world should be good?

If you answered yes to this question "“ explain to me why it should be

2. Do you believe homosexuality is wrong?

Explain you answer either way if you said yes or no

3. How many friends do you have?

Give me a true definition of a friend and then answer the question again.

4. Do you believe in God?

Why do you believe in God? Why don't you?

5. Are you going to die?

How do you know?

The purpose of the questions is to get you thinking about your current beliefs
and where they originated from. Most of our beliefs are, at best, flawed. Flawed
in the sense that we have adopted them blindly and from other people who have
adopted them blindly.

For example believing in God, in my opinion, is flawed. If you answered
yes to this question that you did believe in God, what God is it you believe
in? Most people will say the christian God, if you did I assume you are
from a predominantly christian country. Why is this do you think? The
God that you believe in depends on the country you were born in, is this itself
not a clue to flawed thinking? If you were born in China, which God do you
think you would believe in? Maybe you believe there are lots of Gods and that's
good as it shows you have thought about the question and come to some sort
of conclusion. Maybe my thinking is flawed and I should not be questioning
religion. Maybe you want to have blind faith without questioning your
self and your beliefs. As long as you have thought about it. My
blog is here to get you thinking about yourself and if this topic of religion
offends you, it is not meant to, but I make no apologies if it does as that
it your feelings you will need to deal with.

Look at the question: Do you believe homosexuality is wrong? I would bet that
about 60-75% of people would say no, it is not wrong. Now if you asked
this question 50 years ago I would bet that about 95% of people would say it
was wrong. What does this tell us? It tells me that people relax their
beliefs as time moves on and because our world has changed so dramatically
over the last 50 years people have no choice but to accept homosexuality is
not abnormal, but thinking homosexuality is abnormal is abnormal

Look at some of your other beliefs and question them. Accepting that
my beliefs were flawed was hard to accept and a life changing experience and
I am still to this minute questioning my beliefs. It is my belief that
I am courting controversy by posting this article; however it could be true
that I have my head so far up my own arse for believing that people would actually
care what I write.

The topic of beliefs is huge for me and I love it and love writing about it. I
have only touched the tip here and hope that it has at least got you to ask
a few questions.


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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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