
Mind Alchemy Day 8 "“ Your Life's Theme Songs

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Mind Alchemy

Update: Please click on this link for more information about The new Mind Alchemy course. All the links to the downloads have now been removed. I would like to thank all 800+ readers who expressed an interest in this course and for everyone who completed the course the first time round, it is becasue of you I could make the course better.

Before we start

You can still join the course by Clicking here


A few readers are now blogging about their experiences on the course, and it would be great to lend your support:

Stacy Claflin – Grow With Stacy

Marty BoneIdol – Living Life in Chapters

Derek Breuning – Tech Life

Stephen – New Life Starts Here

Read the interview I have done with Angela Artemis from Powered by Intuition

Read the interview I have done with Sandi Faviell from DevaCoaching

Watch an interview I made with Suzie Cheel on Mind Alchemy

Mind Alchemy Day 8

Welcome to day 8 of the course.

Today we're going to be taking it a little easier after 7 days of intense work, however the exercise today is another powerful one.

Download today's exercise sheet.

What we are doing is choosing 10 songs that really get us motivated, either by getting the old heart pumped up or with the words of the song which have a special meaning and lift our spirits up.

Now you might think this might take a few minutes of your time but if you're anything like me you'll really think about this and find songs from past and present. I was that sad, sorry dedicated, that I actually looked through the charts from the 1980s onwards to find a few gems that I had forgotten about.

Singing in our heads

Singing in our heads is something we naturally do. Have you ever had a tune in your head that you just can't get rid of, well we're going to be signing songs in our head for a reason and that's to motivate us.

Steps of association

With each song we have chosen we are going to go through a series of steps to get a strong association with feeling good and feeling motivated.

Step 1:
Close your eyes and think, as vividly as you can, about some events in your life that have really made you excited and when you were really motivated. Think about the events as close up as possible, meaning that you are actually in the event and not looking at it from a distance. See everything you can, hear the sounds, really feel the excitement of the events.

For each event you see yourself in, add in the theme songs of your choice. Only add the theme songs at the peak of your excitement and when you are in the middle of the scene in your mind

Once you have completed linking your theme songs with all the events in your life you were excited about, add all the scenes together and run them as if you are watching a movie, in a movie theatre and feel the excitement all over again with all the songs added.

Step 4:
Periodically throughout day, for the next few days, re-run the movie inside your head from step 3 and feel the excitement again and again.

Step 5:
Download your theme songs onto your ipod, mp3 player, burn it to a disk or just download it to your computer, whichever way you are most comfortable listening to music. Periodically play these songs to give you a boost of energy and excitement. We don't want to get fed up with the songs so don't play them all day every day, the trick here is to associate good feelings with your theme songs as a way to keep you excited and motivated about life and it's possibilities.

My theme songs

To give you an idea of what I am talking about here I have been collecting songs for a few years that inspire me or just get my heart pumping. Here are just a few of them:

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Tomorrow we will be looking at our beliefs and how to change them. Until tomorrow my fellow Mind Alchemists"¦"¦..

Action follows a thought"¦

This course is about taking action, and to become pro active in changing your life. Take time to do this exercise and really think about it throughout the day. You don't need to wait until tomorrow to take steps to improve your "˜Wheel of Life', but with the support and encouragement from all the members we can help each other and support each other, but ultimately "˜you have to bring something to the table!'

Your thoughts

As always it's good to talk about your experiences and share it with the rest of the members of the course, so let us know how this exercise went for you and share your theme songs if you wish.

You can share your thoughts at Mind Alchemy Facebook Group

You can Tweet using the hashtag #MindAlchemy

and of course leave a comment below.

Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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