Personal Development

Does Time Management Relate to a Deeper Issue or Is It Only on the Surface?

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We all want to have more time, who doesn't? Time seems to be second on most people's list, after money. We want more time to relax, to get things done and to enjoy life more. Why can't we seem to do that and why do we seem to continuously struggle with organization and time?

Are we putting to much demand on ourselves, taking up too many responsibilities and finding it hard to juggle everything? If it was as simple as that, then it would be as simple as learning a few time management techniques and skills to solve the problem. Unfortunately, it goes deeper than this.

cyt time managementFrom my experience and working with so many clients in this area, I have found that time management is not merely something you can fix on the surface level, but it really boils down to who you are and who you are being. You could spend a wealth of money on courses and books to improve your time, but you might still find yourself feeling overwhelmed and procrastinating.

Procrastination for example, really undermines how you manage your time. If procrastination is negatively affecting your results, you need to get to the source of the problem and identify what is really going on. If you always have the excuse that you are disorganized or that you have always been this way, you need to get to the source of those beliefs and challenge them.

Your external world reflects your internal world and your habits, your thoughts and your behaviour have a direct influence on your time management, yet many people over look this. Implementing some time management techniques, will definitely help you to manage your time better, but if find that you are not getting the results you want, you have to fix the deeper problem.

Think of it like a mosquito bite. You have problem and you buy some cream to take the itch away and hope for temporarily relief. You are not fixing the actual problem though, which is getting rid of the mosquitoes; you are just dealing with it on the surface level.

So how do you know if it is a deeper issue for you? Here are some examples below:

  • You have tried numerous time management techniques and they don't work for you
  • You want to improve your time but you do nothing about it
  • You procrastinate with many things in your life
  • You have a resistance to some time management methods, but you still have a deep desire to improve
  • You have good intentions but you can't seem to stick to any routine or action
  • You are always feeling stressed, overwhelmed and disorganized

What could the real problem be? Here are some examples below:

  • You have some limiting beliefs
  • You desire more but you don't feel you deserve it so you find yourself self sabotaging
  • You feel that you won't recognise yourself once you are organized
  • You will actually have to give up the excuses you always have, and then what?
  • On some level you are scared of change and what that might bring
  • You don't have confidence that you can succeed at this

The list is endless and the reason is different for everyone. Sometimes, you need to look inside instead of pointing fingers at everything around you.

If you want to really transform your results, you need to look a little deeper. It is better to make more of an effort now to manage your time than live with the consequences later on of being more stressed and overwhelmed. Nothing is easy, but then again, who wants nothing!

To your success…

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About the author

Kirstin O'Donovan

Kirstin O'Donovan is the founder of TopResultsCoaching and author of The Entrepreneur's Guide to Time Management. Kirstin is a Productivity coach, who specializes in helping individuals gain control over their time, to feel more productive and organized to successfully achieve their goals. Want 7 Simple Strategies to Triple Your Productivity? - Free Access to E-Course @

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