
7 Lists You Need To Make That Will Simplify Your Life

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We have schedulers and day planners and calendars and journals and every other organizational tool available to us to keep our day to day events in check. Life is busy right? All that at our fingertips but are we keeping the right lists that will fulfill our lives? We're desperately trying to get through a work day without snapping only to realize that half way through the day we already forgot some morning things. People, places, things and everything else in between all play an integral part in our lives.

I like making and keeping lists. It keeps my life balanced and my day slightly organized. I've narrowed down my lists to 8 and am sharing them with you in hopes of helping you simplify your life.

list1. Expenses.

So many people don't keep track of what goes out at the end of each day or week or month. You'd be amazed how much money actually goes out on nonsense stuff. You'll also be shocked at how much money goes out to the coffee shop or the dollar store when that can probably be cut down by half or more and you'll have more money at the end of the month to maybe put in your savings account and get you one step closer to that vacation you've been saving for.

2. Goals and dreams.

What do you really want to achieve in this lifetime? What things excite you or have you daydreaming endlessly? Is there something you've always wanted to do and keep putting it on the backburner? Making a list of our goals and dreams, and keeping it somewhere visible, will help to remind us that life is more than just work and pay bills, and there are a handful of things that you really want to do in this lifetime, and you should do them.

3. Grocery list.

Really. I can't believe people still go grocery shopping without a list. I'd be coming home with things we didn't need and forgetting all the things we did need. Making a list and sticking to it, cuts down on unnecessary grocery buying and limits the amount of junk that gets tossed in the cart just in case. It also will save you heaps of money at the end of the week if you go with a list and buy only what you need.

4. Errand list.

This is the list that will save hours of arguments and stress. Keep this list on your fridge or on a table that you use all the time. When you write out your errands, there is no guessing halfway through the day if you forgot something. Especially so if you have something important to pick up. At the end of the day you can relax because everything got done or at least most got checked off and you can tackle the rest another day.

5. Your contact list.

This list should be duplicated or even triplicated so that the important people in your life have a copy if ever an emergency should arise. A contact list should be kept somewhere it is easily accessible because you never know when you need to call that plumber John that you really liked last year. Or that nail girl. Another list that will save you hours of frustrations and grief.

6. Projects.

Do you need to paint that room and you have been talking about it forever and still haven't got to it? Maybe you've been meaning to clean out the storage closet. Or maybe you really want to build a bird house. Make a list of all the projects that you've been thinking about and maybe one day, you'll actually get them done.

7. Talents and or gifts you have.

A list of all the things you are really good at or things you absolutely love doing. Some of the things on this list may actually be the catalysts for some cool part time cash if you want to turn this gift or hobby into a passive income stream. Thinking about becoming a freelancer? These gifts or talents you have just may get you there faster.

You can see how lists can help you to become slightly more organized and help you to look outside of the box and think about pursuing dreams and reaching goals, while not spending too much money on cookies!

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.