Personal Development

5 Secret Struggles Highly Intelligent People Suffer With

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I would like to consider myself pretty intelligent. I am constantly striving to learn more and grow, not only in my business, but with my personal life as well. I read, I research, I engage, I attend meetings and seminars. I don't think any of this puts me in the category of highly intelligent people, not even close.

I'd like to think that we are all really smart and great at a lot of different things. Being highly intelligent however is a gift all on its own. Some people are born with this gift, others develop it along the way. But one thing is certain, highly intelligent people have struggles, just like you and I, when it comes to their gift.

very_intelligent1. Have a hard time fitting in.

Now most of you probably think that H.I. people have a large circle of other H.I. friends and that they are never without social meetings to attend, and parties and other gatherings. Truth is, HI people don't really fit in or belong anywhere except with other HI people. They are not as graciously accepted as the free spirited person in the group, or even the classic jokester. HI people have a hard time just blending in and talking about the weather or sports or other random small topics. They struggle with small talk and find that people don't really get them when conversation starts going in a different direction, which, for them, happens all too often.

2. Always under pressure.

HI feel like they must always be on top of their game, always perform to the absolute best of their capacity. When they don' t, they feel like a failure. Because of this, they are often under stress to make sure that they don't slip. They are often worried about performance failure and because of that, their stress level and anxiety can get quite high. They wish they didn't have to prove their intelligence to people all the time but because of how their gift, it's almost expected.

3. Let loose and have fun isn't in their vocabulary.

They don't just throw caution to the wind and live and let live, so to speak. Everything is analyzed, dissected and carefully thought or planned out. There is no random car rides to the beach for a day of fun in the sun with the waves.   There are pros and cons to everything they do. They need to think things through right down to the last minute. Because of this, random fun isn't some thing they engage in. As a matter of fact, it rarely happens at all. It's not because they don't want to have some, they just don't know how.

4. Face fear and do it anyway.

Another random thing that doesn't happen in their life. They can't just bravely explore or try something new and out there because they feel like it. Analyzing comes into play here again. They will think about something until they have literally talked themselves out of it. In their mind, it's not a good idea. Ever. If something is slightly dangerous, but still could be super fun, they will not even think about trying it because they think the danger will outweigh the fun.

5. Often alone with no friends.

If they don't have a good circle of likeminded individuals to call friends, then they end up alone, with nowhere to go and nothing to do. HI people can often be considered loners or introverts simply because no one gets them and they don't fit in, resulting in little to no friends. They don't mind spending time alone and they do love and appreciate their alone time but more often than not, it can get lonely. Making friends is hard to do for them for the simple fact that they aren't good at small talk or spontaneous adventures.

Obviously this doesn't cover all highly intelligent people but most of them will admit and agree to so me of these struggles. In their quest for perfection and keeping with the status quo they often find themselves alone and lonely, struggling with social inadequacies on their own. Part of them desperately wants to fit in and another part of them is simply used to the way their life is and wouldn't know how to change it anyway, though that doesn't necessarily mean they don't want to change it or enhance it, they're just afraid to. They have come to realize and understand that they are definitely in a league of their own

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.