Personal Development Quotes

25 Of The Most Beautifully Inspiring Quotes On Love

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The one language we all speak? The language of love. It's the most beautiful language and any song you hear or quote you read about love is nothing short of beautiful. Who doesn't love love? when we talk about or think about love we often refer to our wives or husbands, or any other romantic love interest but love encompasses all.

Quite often, when we are sad or down, it is love that comes to our rescue to lift up our hearts and our spirits. This love can come in the form of a song, a call or hug from a friend, or a love quote you've seen on Pinterest or whatever your social media choice is. I've compiled some of the most beautiful and touching love quotes for you. These quotes will surely melt your heart and put a song in your soul.

quotes_on_love1. If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you.

2. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

3. The best love is the one that makes you a better person without changing you into someone other than yourself.

4. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

5. Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that's not true because I fall in love every time I see you.

6. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul, that makes us reach for mo re, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.

7. The perfection of love is that it's not perfect.

8. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

9. The only remedy for love, is to love more.

10. There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally in a heart beat, in a single flashing throbbing moment.

11. You don't find love, it finds you.

12. When I love you, I realize I have never truly loved anyone and I realized I will never truly love anyone the way I love you.

13. I love my eyes when you look into them, my name when you say it, my heart when you touch it and my life when you are in it.

14. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

15. When someone loves you, they don't have to say it. You can tell by the way they treat you.

16. Don't change to make someone love you; be yourself and the right one will fall for you.

17. Love hard when there is love to be had.

18. If you're looking for love, start with the person in the mirror.

19. Most of all, let love guide your life.

20. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. (Mother Teresa)

21. Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful.

22. A physician once said The best medicine for humans is love . Someone asked, what if it doesn't work? He smiled and replied: Increase the dose.

23. Love builds bridges where there are none.

24. If you have nothing left to give, give love.

25. Don't look for someone to complete you. Look for someone who will love you completely.

I could spend hours reading love quotes but these are the ones that make my heart smile and give me much food for thought. What are some of your favourite love quotes? Share them with the others.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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