Winning the lottery would make a lot of people happy. Super happy. Finding the love of their life is a ll others ask for. Maybe even landing that perfect job would be great for some in order to be happy. But what do we do when none of that transpires for us.
We all know happiness is an inside job. It's how we feel and how we rewire or retrain our brain to think. Just think happy thoughts, right? That is easier said than done for some. Some of us actually need little happy motivators and that's ok too.
Need a happy kick? Here are 14 little tips to turn that frown into a smile. They are fast, little and effective. Choose 1, 5 or all of them. Whatever it takes, we want you smiling. Some will cost a bit of money while others are totally free.
1. Do something nice for a stranger.
Maybe buy a coffee, hold a door open, or compliment them. Be creative. Use your imagination. Catch them off guard. The smile on their face will totally make you silly with glee.
2. Bring flowers to someone in the old folk's home.
Or maybe even a cute little plant. Be sure to find out who rarely gets any visitors, if any, at a ll. They will appreciate it the most. While you're there……
3. Sit with them and talk for a while.
They have the best stories ever. Why not grab two teas and visit for a while? The one hour or so of your time will be the absolute best thing ever for them. Go make someone else happy today.
4. Go make shapes in the clouds.
Like you did when you were younger. Remember those days, before work and adulthood and stress? Be childlike again, even if for only an hour. And while we're talking about being childlike, how about… …
5. Get those bubble wands.
Who doesn't love those? Bubbles everywhere. If that doesn't make you happy or smile, then I give up. Want to have even more fun with those? Bring them to the old folk's home with your plant. Double awesome.
6. Turn up the stereo and sing to the top of your lungs.
I mean really loud. Find your favourite love song, or thrasher metal song. Put it on, turn up the volume, rip off the knob and grab your air mic. You are a rock star and the crowd loves you.
7. Go for a walk.
Get some fresh air, clear your head and if you're lucky, you just may run into the man/woman of your dreams on the path. Actually you never know what might turn up. Be adventurous.
8. Walk in the rain.
It's cold, it's wet, it's kind of dull and yucky but ironically enough, walking in the rain usually makes people giggle, especially when they do it deliberately. Leave your umbrella at home, grab your rubber boots and away you go.
9. Spa day anyone?
Get your nails done (yes men do this too), a back rub, maybe even just a little visit to the salon for someone to wash and blow-dry your hair. Pure bliss, really. If funds allow, book a whole day and get the works. If you can't do that, start with a small treat.
10. Sit on a park bench and feed the birds.
This is truly fun to do. If you're lucky, you may even receive a visit from the local chipmunk or squirrel . Critters are cute, face it. They will surely bring a smile to your face.
11. Go to the kid's park.
This is always good for a chuckle or two. Sit and watch kids play in sand, on swings, tackling the monkey bars, etc. Kids are just plain hilarious and do the silliest things. This will surely put a smile on your face.
12. Lay on the grass with a blanket and a good book.
Grab your hat, sunglasses, iPod, and go lay on the grass. Even better if it's down by the lake or river. Read a book, listen to tunes, and if no one is around, sing out loud, and maybe try to catch butterflies.
13. Phone a friend you haven't talked to in a long time.
And talk your ear off. Talk for hours if you want. Catch up on stuff you missed, reminisce about high school days. And giggle, lots.
14. Go volunteer for an hour or half a day at a place that resonates with you.
The pet shelter, the homeless mission, an old folk's home, wherever. Besides making you happy, it very well may touch you so dearly that you become part of a team there. 15. Buy yourself a nice little treat. An ice cream, a chocolate bar, a hair clip, a new wallet, a fancy beverage at Starbucks .
Life is short. You need treats. What fun little things make you happy? Share them with others.