Personal Development

10 Of The Best Personal Development Books Everyone Should Read Before They Die

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Read a good book lately? Did it inspire you, motivate you, make you cry, share the shit out of you or give you food for thought? What kind of book was it anyway? Reading books isn't for everyone, I get that, but with the emergence of E-readers, reading books has never been easier. For anyone who ever complained about books and paper and junk laying around, and used this as a reason to not read, you have no excuse anymore.

I'm an avid reader. I'm also a writer too so the two just go hand in hand. My book of choice is usually a personal development book. I'm all about improving my life and learning new ways to do that. Everyone should do this and be reading personal development books. Why? Because the more we learn and grow, the better we become and the better this world will become.   In this world of shock and trauma, we get lost in the sad and tragic news and fill our heads with nothing but negative, and then wonder why our lives are shit and why we are always sad.

Our brains will take in everything we read, watch and think so if it is constantly bombarded with negative, what do you think is going to happen to it? It will stay in negative and trauma mode because that's all it knows. Why not try feeding your brain something good for a change and watch what happens. My guess is only good things will come from that.   I have read literally hundreds of books but I have narrowed this list down to my personal top 15 books that I highly recommend to anyone who is looking to change their reading material.

1. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

This book was written in 1937 and to day still remains the number one book for personal development. To date it has sold more than 70 million copies. There's a reason for that. It's brilliant.

2. Awaken the Giant Within, by Tony Robbins.

This book will show you how to take control of your life, all of it. Mental, physical, financial.

3. The Success Principals, by Jack Canfield.

You may recognize that name. Jack is the co-founder of The Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Read your way to success with this book.

4. The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.

This book got rave reviews for anyone needing to focus on now and stop living in the past and future.

5. The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.

A brilliant book with excerpts from some of today's best thought leaders. Rhonda shows us how to be grateful for life.

6. Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Elizabeth teaches us how to love ourselves and be happy enough with who we are.

7. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.

Another oldie, written in 1937, and right up there with #1 as the best book out there to show you how to just be nice.

8. The 4 Hour Work Week, by Timothy Ferris.

Tired of 9-5? This book is for you if you are ready to kick your job to the curb or work less.

9. The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

The title speaks for itself and this is a great read for anyone who needs more positive thinking.

10. The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles.

And yet another oldie. Wallace is a master at teaching how to grow and succeed. His teachings are easy to understand and follow and he insists if you follow closely, you can ' t go wrong.

These are simply 10 of my favourites, that I have read, but if you were to Google books on personal development, you will be surprised at how many there are. Today, the personal development niche is one of the fast growing niches out there. Besides health and wellness, people want to improve their mindsets as well as their physical existence. People are wanting to live longer and healthier and happier and will do whatever it takes to ensure that life. Because of this, the markets are flooded with books, CD ' s, DVD ' s, you name it, and you can find it. My best advice is always to read the reviews before purchasing something to see if it's a good fit for you. Either way, there is no reason why anyone shouldn't be living blissfully happy with this many resources at their fingertips.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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