Do you have a business card offering your services? If so do you ever use them or are they still sitting in a nice plastic box looking pristine waiting for you to hand them out to someone. Well here's a great way to market your business absolutely free and start putting the power of business cards to use.
On a train: When you take a train journey make sure you accidentally leave a business card sitting on a train table, or in one of the pouches on the seat in front of you. Do this every time you take your journey. People are bored on rain journeys and will read anything that's lying about and your card might reach the eyeballs of someone who needs your services.
- In a taxi: Another great way to get your business seen is to drop your card in a taxi. Taxi drivers don't clean their cars until the end of the day so your card will be sitting all day long.
- In the bank: This is a great place to drop your business card especially if your bank has a separate section for business banking. Drop your card on one of the counters and while people are waiting to get their transactions put through your card is shouting at them "˜Look at me, I offer a great service'.
- On a bus: Depending on what service you offer you can drop your card on the local buses or buses that going into one of the major towns or cities in your area. For example if your run a babysitting service it might be better to drop it on your local buses and if you run a web design service it might be better to drop it on a town centre bus where more businessman and women are going to see it.
- Accountant's office: If you have to visit your accountant drop your business card on the desk of the accountant. Make sure it is hidden from the accountant but in view of the person sitting opposite the accountant.
- Business centre: There are business centres who offer local businesses services to help them get started in business or build their business up. On the main reception desk you can discretely leave your business card so everyone coming through the centre will be able to see it and pick it up whilst waiting for the appointment to be confirmed. Also leave it on the magazine desk in the waiting area.
- Local restaurant: You can leave your business card in the menu holders in your local restaurants. Don't leave it on the table as tables are usually cleared immediately after someone leaves.
- Supermarket checkout: This is a great place to leave your card especially if you leave a little box of them stuck just beside the magazine rack. Again people are bored in queues and will read anything and your little box of cards might catch their eye.
- Business conference rooms: depending on the layout and design of the room you can drop your business card in conference rooms or stick it on the seat in front of you if it is a larger conference room and not a small room with a table.
- Sandwich takeaway shop: Another great place to drop your business card particularly in a busy city as you will get a lot of affluent people passing through to pick up a bite to eat to have lunch in the office.
You can be creative when leaving your card anywhere and one trick you can use is to get a slimline box with the peel off stickers and stick the box with your business cards in it in a primary location for other people to see, this way your card get seen by a lot more people and not just thrown away. If you are a small business owner on a budget there are some great ways to market yourself for free or cheaply, so use your creativity and get dropping.