YDF Star – Episode 2 – Maria Flynn

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About YDFStar

YDF star is a series of interviews with members of the Your Digital Formula program who have done well either by growing their page, their business and their own life using the concepts and strategies from the YDF Program

Interview with Maria Flynn

This is the 2nd YDFStar Interview in our members series.

Maria gives some great information in this interview with regards to growing a presence online and how she has managed to learn from adversity and pull herself up to grow a heart centered business online.

Maria's Bio

Maria Flynn is creator of OneWiseLife.com, a digital magazine helping self-motivated individuals learn and connect from trusted coaches, teachers, and healers.

She is also the co-founder of Mojo Mastery an online coaching program and the Operations Manager for Your Digital Formula, helping heart centered entrepreneurs GROW their online presence, share their message and GROW their business.

With over 225K Facebook followers and a daily Facebook show reaching over 25,000 people weekly, Maria has fostered a very dedicated fanbase spanning the globe. Maria’s finesse to utilize social media to build online tribes and authentic connections in this digital age has helped her reach the hearts and minds of successful online entrepreneurs, leaders in the personal development industry, and self-motivated individuals to take solid actions to connect, network and experience growth on all levels from personal to professional. Maria believes that social media is a powerful tool for heart centered entrepreneurs to grow their business and change the world.

Websites, Courses and Programs


Mojo Mastery


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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.