As You know I don't promote a lot of anything on this site but had to
report a fantastic way to generate money. I have watched the two videos
on the site and read the report and was blown away. I thought it was
amazing, however I have not put it into practice yet as I just received the
report an hour ago. I wanted to share it with my readers. (I am
making 50 cents each time the free report is downloaded).
I was sent an e-mail by Mike
Filsaime which has given me a fantastic way to generate money using Google. You
might have heard about it already as a viral campaign is currently circulating
the internet. Chris Carpenter has released Google Cash Strikes Back:
a free eBook showing you how to make money from Google.
It's about a free report called Google
Cash Strikes back and it is a fantastic way of researching and generating
money using google adwords and affiliate marketing. I watched the two
videos and my mind was buzzing with ideas of how to utilize this method. I
read the report and I was buzzing even more. Obviously the free report
is really a way to get readers to buy some software but the report iteslf
is well worth reading and you can make money without downloading any software.
You can also make money for a limited period of time if you become an affiliate.
Click here to download the free report