
My top productivity tip

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GTD, productivity tips,

I have been tagged by Ellesse from Goal
Setting College
in a meme started by Instigator
, to write about my best productivity tip.

I am getting more and more into GTD and find it very useful. There is some
great advice out there about productivity and how to improve it in every area
of your life.

The one thing that I use time and again is an extremely simple one:

My top productivity tip

Write down a to do list every morning whether for work or for general day
to day things.  I have found this has been a great help as I have a huge
list of things I need to every day. 

If there is something you cannot do on a particular day carry it forward to
the next day.  If you are procrastinating you will soon get tired of seeing
the same thing every day and you will get it done.

Writing your to do list down also helps as you are visualising a goal and
it will strengthen your visualisation abilities.

I am not going to tag anyone else with this as I don’t mind participating
in memes but I know a lot of people are getting tired of them now.

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.