I wanted to put together some kindness quotes for you today as a lot of people think kind people are a a bit of a pushover. Kind people are thought of as naive in some way or they don't have a handle on human psychology and are therefore more vulnerable to be taken advantage of.
I don't believe this at all and I feel kind people are empaths who are completely in tune with peoples feelings. We therefore have a better handle and can read people better than most. We are willing to give a bit more of ourselves; time, money, thoughts and and actions.
Enjoy these kindness quotes and let me know in the comments below if you have come across any of your own.
I hope you enjoyed the kindness quotes and if you have any of your own to add please leave a comment below to let me know.
It really does take nothing to be kind and often times it will lift our spirits as well as the person you are being kind to.
A little challenge for you
For 1 week try and do one act of kindness every day for someone else but also one act of kindness for yourself every day.
Let me know how you get on with that and how it made you feel. I can almost guarantee that you will want to continue doing this every day as it really does give us energy and lifts our spirits.
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Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business. He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.