Over the last few weeks I have been trying to find out what readers of the blog would like more information on. So I emailed my subscriber list and asked them. 4 titles topped the polls and one of them was 'How to get more subscribers to your blog'.
This kind of surprised me, but I asked the list what they really wanted to know about this topic and in true 'let the readers decide' I have produced a first draft of an ebook entitled: How to Reach 10,000 Blog Subscribers.
I am giving this away for free to all CYT readers.
Who is it for?
Anybody who has a blog and is looking to increase their exposure in the blogging field. You can be in any niche and benefit from this ebook.
What you will learn
- Why your subscriber count is important.
- The four aspects of your blog you must focus on to capture readers attention
- 7 ways to dramatically increase your subscriber count
Do you like it? was it helpful? If so, I have two simple requests
1) Let me know. Share your feedback in the comments section or write to me directly.
2) Help spread the word. Pass this along to the everyone you know, maybe no everyone, I don't think your Gran would like a copy, but you know what I mean. Would be great to Tweet this as well.
I hope you enjoy 'How to reach 10,000 Blog Subscribers' it and look forward to hearing your thoughts about it.