Personal Development

7 Things Happen When You Live Outside The Box

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You've heard it a thousand times. Get out of your comfort zone. But it's so comfy there. Why would you want to leave there in the first place? You know why. To live life to the fullest. To actually experience life instead of looking at it from the bleachers. We know life is not a spectator sport and we need to participate. But it would just be so nice if we could participate from our comfort zone.

You can't and you shouldn't. Well technically yes you can live from that zone but you just shouldn't. It's no t easy, either, to make the switch, or the jump, to get out of there and go be daring or adventurous. It does take guts and courage. But as difficult as it may be, it certainly isn't impossible. And if me telling you that isn't enough, here are some other reasons why it's definitely time to step outside of your comfort zone.

outside_the_box1. You get more courageous.

You finally realize you can do super awesome things and once you start doing them, slowly but surely, you will want to do more and more. It takes a lot of courage to try new things. Fear always holds us back and tells us we can't do things so when we flick fear away and actually do them, well that's true courage right there.

2. Blow your mind wide open.

The things you'll discover, the things you'll try, the experiences you will have. Oh my. Once you discover life outside your comfort zone, outside of that box, you will never go back in there and you will wonder what took you so long to jump out in the first place. The sights, the colours, the people, the new friendships and connect ions. Yes, life expands and blows your mind.

3. Self confidence boost.

All these years you've been a shy quiet mouse afraid to do anything but deep down inside, you have secretly wanted to do all these bad ass things. You just never had the confidence or courage or bravery to do any of it, ever. So now you have jumped out of the box you have this unbelievable new found badassery and self confidence. You did it. You are on top of the world and ready for the next adventure. Yay you!

4. You gain a new respect.

Not only self respect but respect from others as well. For so long you have stayed cooped up in your shell and now that you have finally take the plunge to get out of your box and live life people are not only amazed by your bravery but are in awe of you. They are just as excited for and proud of you as you are. They see you in a different light now. You have shown them a new side of you.

5. Knock off that bucket list.

You have so many things on that bucket list and for the longest time you just look at it and never think that you really are going to attempt any of it. Until now. Now you are starting to knock things off and it's pretty darned exciting. One by one you are finally doing all those crazy and even not so crazy things. You're alive and living.

6. Meet new people.

And form new bonds and friendships. Especially with like minded people. People who have the same interests as you and totally get you. You're from the same tribe. You finally have people you can talk to about things you love to do because they love the same thing. You form new bonds and take life and relationships to a whole new level. A level of mutual understanding, appreciation and even love.

7. Freedom.

Finally, freedom from the chains that have been binding you for so long. The chains of fear, limiting beliefs and bondage. You have a new vigor and taste for life. You are experiencing a freedom you have never known before and it's exhilarating. It's like a huge weight has just been lifted off your shoulder and you are alive again. Enjoy. You are alive. And free.

When you step outside of your comfort zone life happens. That's what happens. Life. Are you ready to live it the way it is meant to be lived?

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About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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