Personal Development

22 Of the best motivational videos online free

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UPDATE: There was a problem with this post for the last few days but it has now been rectified. It seems that tables cannot be put into the database, even though it has been there for 4 months, I think another problem with the server.

For the last week or so I have been scouring the internet for free personal development videos, one of them I showed you yesterday; Steve Jobs. Well I have finally managed to get 22 great videos from some great personal development speakers and inspirational figures. I could have spent weeks doing this as I watched videos until my eyes were square.

you will probably notice there is a lack of female speakers in this. This was not deliberate there were not a lot of female speakers out there, the ratio was about 20:1, that's 20 men to every 1 woman. Not a good statistic.

Anyway I have spent all day putting this together and I am proud to present 22 of the best personal development and inspirational figures of today.

bob proctor video science of getting rich

Bob Proctor – The Science of getting rich: 1 Hr 47 Mins

deepak chopra video way of the wizard

Deepak Chopra – The way of the Warrior: 1 Hr 8 mins

jim rohn video your best year ever

Jim Rohn – Your best year ever: 10 mins

tony robbins video interviewed by chrlie rose

Tony Robbins – Interview with Charlie Rose: 55 Mins

oprah winfrey david letterman

Oprah Winfrey – Interview with David Letterman, Part 1: 10 Mins

the secret the movie

The Secret – The movie (with subtitles). 1 Hr 29 Mins

nick vujicic video

Nick Vujicic – Speech Preview: 24 mins

malcolm gladwell video ted talks

Malcolm Gladwell – Authors at TED Talks: 18 mins

joe vitale video

Joe Vitale – Portable empire: 9 mins

james arthur ray video

James Arthur Ray – Live Presentations – 28 mins

cement speech at stanford

Steve Jobs – Commencement Speech at Stanford: 14 mins

mary foley video bodacious

Mary Foley – AOL retiree at aged 33, turned Author and speaker: 6 Mins

paul mckenna accelerated learning

Paul McKenna – Accelerated learning: 50 Mins

ross jeffries advanced speed seduction confidence

Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction 1: 1hr 54 Mins

brian tracy video sales mastery

Brian Tracy – Sales mastery (part 1): 17 Mins

les brown video psychology of success

Les Brown – On Mastery TV: 44 Mins

tim ferriss video speaking about 4 hour orkweek

Tim Ferriss – Authors at Google with Marci Alboher: 56 Mins

michael beckwith video heaven and earth

Michael Beckwith – Bridging heaven and earth show: 58 Mins

J K Rowling – Autobiography Part 1 of 5: 10 Mins

jack canfield video story

Jack Canfield – The success principles: 5 mins

wayne dyer the power of intentions

Wayne Dyer – The power of Intentions: 2 Hrs 15 mins

tony buzan video mind mapping

Tony Buzan – Mind Mapping: 6 mins

If you have any videos you would like to share then leave a comment with the link and in a few months time I can hopefully make a top 50 list.

Some Amazing Comments


About the author

Steven Aitchison

Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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