
It's not about the money

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Before I give the impression that I'm going to regurgitate some of the new age platitudes that so many underachievers find comforting, I'll make some fundamental points:


  1. You don't need money to be happy. True, but it can help!
  2. You can't measure success by how much money you make. Well, there are other measurements for success, but at some point, to consider yourself successful, you're going to have to have enough money. How much is enough? That's up to you! Frankly, only really rich people and really poor people adhere believe this.
  3. Money is Power. Bullshit! Money is not, in itself, power. Money is, however, a valuable resource that helps you develop and apply power.
  4. I don't have enough money to"¦(insert your own excuse here!)

That's the one we're talking about today! Specifically, I'm going to talk about the incredible resources available that allow almost anyone to change your financial life. Don't worry, I'm not selling any of them; in fact, most of them are free or you may already have access to them.

The fastest, and in my opinion, the most rewarding method ever devised for changing your fortune is to start your own business:

Be your own boss! Work from the comfort of your own home!

In the past, these words peg my Bullshit Detector and send me running toward the comfort of a 40 hour per week job and the security of employment. That was before I learned about the power of the internet and before I learned the true meaning of job security.

About 1991 I was gainfully employed as producer of television commercials at the number one station in one of America's most secure mid-level markets. My employer was one of the pioneers in broadcast television and had provided security for many loyal employees for years.

I had also just spent the better part of a year transforming myself from a selfish, unappreciative, disgruntled employee into a self-motivated, loyal and productive contributor to my company. My transformation was rewarded with a pay raise and a letter of commendation from my station manager; a guy who just a year earlier I would have been happy to push down a flight of stairs!

Everything was coming up roses"¦then, to make a long story short, cable television had finally reached its critical mass. Like many others in my industry, I was "downsized": laid off! Next thing I remember was my friend Dave treating me to breakfast and telling me, "This"¦is the best day of your life!" Wow!

Now to be honest, I was planning to leave in the not-too-distant future, but I was planning to leave when and how I wanted to leave, not by surprise with a thank-you-very-much and a cardboard box full of my personal belongings (and a few pens I managed to grab).

At any rate, that was the last time I was ever gainfully employed. I hit the streets looking for work in a depressed job market armed with a resume full of experience that was useless outside of the broadcast industry. If I wasn't under qualified for a job, I was overqualified. If I was qualified, there wasn't a job.

So began my life as an entrepreneur. As I said, there is no better way to earn your fortune than to start your own business; there's also no faster way to lose your fortune! After attempts in the music business, free-lance video and other minor endeavors I accidentally embarked on a career in marital arts.

As an entrepreneur, I've been through all the ups and downs anyone would care to experience. I've had healthy cash flow and I've been broke. I've been prosperous and I've been past the edge of disaster. Now that I'm familiar with the cycle, I also know that I'm going to go through plenty more ups and downs before I've created my personal vision of success and security!

I also know that my success and security is now completely up to me! It's my responsibility and eventually, the rewards will be all mine to do with as I wish. I will cheerfully try to talk almost anyone into starting one's own business.

And it's not about the money!

Here's why: Since I've escaped the world of the employee I've started several small enterprises, only two of them required significant investment. Neither of the two businesses requiring the greatest investment would be considered financial successes. One failed completely, and the other continues and requires further investment.

Dynamic Components of Personal Power, which is by far my most promising enterprise, was started with absolutely no money. Of course, I leveraged several years of experience in other attempts and I already had the infrastructure I needed to launch Dynamic Components. This infrastructure consisted of the following:

  1. A computer and internet connection.
  2. A phone.
  3. Some paper (optional).

If you've got these items, a good idea and personal power you can launch a business. You're going to need personal power because nobody is going to be cracking a whip to get you moving; you're driving the buggy when you work for yourself and you're the horse!

The portal for your low-investment entry into the world of international commerce is the World Wide Web. Dynamic Components is growing because of three little letters: www.

As I said, starting your own business put you on the Road to Riches, but it can also be a bottomless pit of expenses if you're not careful. I'll emphasize that you need the resources of personal power, self-belief, a marketable idea, knowledge about what you're doing and the courage to set it all in motion. You also need the discipline and restraint to protect yourself from the constant barrage of enticing programs designed to help you"¦

Be Your Own BOSS! Work from the Comfort of Your Own Home! And MAKE MILLIONS NOW!

Discipline is important in any business; when you're starting on a shoestring discipline is essential for survival! If you don't have money to launch your business, you don't have it to lose!

There are an infinite number of ways to create revenue through the internet. If you don't have a bright idea of your own, sign-up for any number of pre-packaged business opportunities and use your creative resources to figure out how to market. If you have any talent in nearly any service area, the web provides the opportunity for you to distribute or market your talents.

I will say that in keeping with the Dynamic Components Code of Ethics, I only encourage you to pursue enterprises that are legal, ethical and moral. The internet is a powerful resource and assholes can exploit it as easily as sincere and positive people.

One of the best reasons I found for starting my own business came from an entrepreneurial seminar I attended. The speaker asked if any of us were intimidated by the risk involved in self-employment. He asked if we perceived greater security in working for ourselves or for someone else.

His message:

"When I work for myself, one person: my boss, can walk in on any given day and fire me. When I work for myself, I'm only out of work if every one of my customers fires me!"

Amen; I'd rather place my prosperity in the hands of all of you than in the hands of one person who ultimately must look out for himself!

So"¦if you're looking to change your life and experience life as an entrepreneur, my advice is "go for it!" Don't have money to get started, get on the web!

I know you have a computer with an internet connection, and I know this method works. After all"¦isn't that how you found me?

About the author

jim bouchardJim is now a regular at 'Change Your Thoughts', if you haven't already visited his site I would urge you to have a look. Jim is an author, businessman, personal development trainer, black belt Karate instructor, football coach….the list goes on. He is the creator of the Dynamic Components of Personal Power program. Visit Jim's site at for more information on his self development program.

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About the author

Jim Bouchard

Jim is now a regular at ‘Change Your Thoughts’, if you haven’t already visited his site I would urge you to have a look. Jim is an author, businessman, personal development trainer, black belt Karate instructor, football coach….the list goes on. He is the creator of the Dynamic Components of Personal Power program. Visit Jim’s site at for more information on his self development program.
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